An intriguing addition to Star Wars scholarship, which reveals the timeless substructure underpinning the space-age saga. If you watched the Star Wars movies with a feeling in your bones that you were seeing something unfold that was not merely the product of modern creative storytellers but something ancient and powerful, this book will tell you why.
— Joe Holland, Maharishi International University
One with the Force reveals why Star Wars touches the souls of its fans, showing that this iconic film series has much more to it than meets the eye. Noble's book expounds on the universal principles in Star Wars that inspire us and sustain the cosmos.
— Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times-bestselling author, "Happy for No Reason" and "Chicken Soup for the Womans Soul"
This lucid study takes up a topic dear to my heart—the uses of fiction as a wisdom path—and traces essential principles from South Eastern and other traditions of wisdom and spirit appearing in Star Wars. The parallels mentioned by the author are evocative and even archetypal. The image of a path of spirituality emphasizing balance, experience, mindful action, and unity found in difference speaks strongly to our time of culture wars and increased questioning of traditional creeds.
— Craig Chalquist, PhD, author, "Soulmapper"
Krista Nobles insightful presentation of the Star Wars trilogy highlights and magnifies the inherent nobility of this blockbuster film series, as she unearths and identifies age-old universal principles of life and living embedded in the story. Nobles book provides a happy hunting ground for exploring the profound truths of the worlds cultural, spiritual, and religious traditions. A magnificent read!
— Judy Booth, PhD, former faculty member and advisor, Maharishi International University
This is a provocative work that will thrill Star Wars fans and those who have a passion for Eastern philosophy.
— B. Steven Verney, author of "The Best of All Possible Worlds"