Preface xv
1 Emergence of Advanced Computational Intelligence Coupled with Smart Environment 1
Risha Rani and Tirtha Deb
1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 Background Works 3
1.3 Integrated Smart Environment 4
1.4 Proposed Models for Smart Intelligent Environment 5
1.5 IoT Architecture 16
1.6 Smart Environment and Advanced Computational Intelligence 23
1.7 Advanced Computational Intelligences: Possible Uses in Smart Environment 24
1.8 Conclusion 26
2 Machine Learning-Enabled Integrated Information Platform for Educational Universities 29
Sai Smurti Sahu, Rishav Kumar, Soumya Sahoo, Balwant Kumar and Padmabati Mohanta
2.1 Introduction 30
2.2 Cloud-Based Web Application for University 30
2.3 Integrated Information Platform of Indian Universities Using Machine Learning 36
2.4 Applications Used to Designed This Web Platform 37
2.5 Analysis Result 38
3 False Data Injection Attack Detection Using Machine Learning in Industrial Internet of Things 49
Hafizunisa, Prerna Rai and Damini Sinha
3.1 Introduction 50
3.2 Literature Review 54
3.3 Technical Methodology 56
3.4 Proposed Model for Detecting False Data and its Correction 59
3.5 Complexity Analysis of Proposed Model 63
3.6 Advantages of the Model 64
3.7 Future Scope and Limitations of the Proposed Model 65
3.8 Conclusion 65
4 Fake News Detection: Restricting Spreading of Misinformation Using Machine Learning 69
Shubham Choudhary and Pratyush Mishra
4.1 Introduction 70
4.2 Scope of False News Detection 73
4.3 Main Highlights of the Analysis 73
4.4 A Novel Model for False News Detection 76
4.5 Literature Review 78
4.6 Results and Analysis 80
4.7 Conclusion 81
5 Adaptability, Flexibility, and Accessibility Through Telemedicine 85
Dipti Verma, Somyajyoti Talukdar and Kumari Alankrita Sharma
5.1 Introduction 86
5.2 Related Works 89
5.3 Proposed Model for Remote Health Monitoring System 93
5.3.1 Microcontroller and Sensor 95
5.4 Benefits of the Proposed Model 96
5.5 Constraints of the Proposed Model 98
5.6 Conclusion 101
5.7 Future Works 102
6 Crop Prediction by Implementing Machine Learning in an IoT-Based System 107
Vivian Rawade and Shubham Sahoo
6.1 Introduction 108
6.2 Literature Review 110
6.3 Proposed Model for Crop Prediction 112
6.4 Results and Analysis 123
6.5 Challenges Faced 125
6.6 Advantages of the Proposed Model 127
6.7 Disadvantages of the Proposed Model 127
6.8 Conclusion 128
7 Relevance of Smart Management of Road Traffic System Using Advanced Intelligence 131
Koustab Chowdhury and Rishabh Kapoor
7.1 Introduction 132
7.2 Related Works 135
7.3 Proposed Model of Traffic Management System 139
7.4 Role of AI in Traffic Management 146
7.5 Conclusion and Future Works 148
8 Visualization of Textual Corpora Using Social Network Analysis 151
Indu Rodda and Durga Bhavani S.
8.1 Introduction 152
8.2 Related Literature 154
8.3 Proposed Method 156
8.4 Implementation and Results 163
8.5 Conclusion and Future Work 169
9 Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles: Impact, Current Market, Future Trends, Challenges, and Limitations 173
Kamalanathan Shanmugam, Muhammad Ehsan Rana and Felix Ting Yu Hong
9.1 Introduction 174
9.2 The Global Impact of the AV Industry 176
9.3 Role of Machine Learning in Autonomous Vehicles 177
9.4 Significance of the AV Industry in Various Sectors 179
9.5 Current Market and Future Trends in AV Industry 184
9.6 Challenges and Limitations 189
9.7 Conclusion 192
10 Role of Smart and Predictive Healthcare in Modern Society 195
Muhammad Ehsan Rana and Manoj Jayabalan
10.1 Introduction 196
10.2 Healthcare System 197
10.3 Role of Predictive Analytics in Healthcare 198
10.4 Application of IoT in Healthcare 199
10.5 IoT Based Healthcare Management Framework 200
10.6 Future Recommendations for Research 210
10.7 Conclusion 211
11 An Analytical Study on Depression Detection Using Machine Learning 215
Angelia Melani Adrian and Junaidy Budi Sanger
11.1 Introduction 216
11.2 Literature Survey 217
11.3 Proposed System 220
11.4 Challenges of Machine Learning in Depression Detection 225
11.5 Conclusion and Future Work 226
12 Revolutionizing Healthcare: Empowering Faster Treatment with IoT-Powered Smart Healthcare 229
Prerna Kumari, Rupali Agarwal and Shruti Kumari
12.1 Introduction 230
12.2 Scope/Motivation 233
12.3 Literature Survey 234
12.4 Smart Technology 235
12.5 Methods and Materials 236
12.6 Result 245
12.7 Conclusion 248
13 Machine Learning Algorithms for Initial Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease 251
Udayan Das, Manish Jena and Manish Roy
13.1 Overview of Parkinson’s Disease 251
13.2 Scope 254
13.3 Related Works 255
13.4 Comparative Analysis of Parkinson’s Disease 260
13.5 Pros and Cons Using ML Algorithms 267
13.6 Conclusion and Future Works 271
13.7 Bibliography 271
14 Towards a Sustainable Future: Harnessing the Power of Computational Intelligence to Track Climate Change 275
Satyam Sinha, Shreyash Kumar Agnihotri and Oshmita Sarkar
14.1 Introduction 276
14.2 Artificial Intelligence and Climate Change Adaptation 277
14.3 Related Works 278
14.4 Comparative Analysis of Technological Frameworks to Handle Climate Crisis 280
14.5 Future Scope of Climatic Crisis Handling with AI 299
14.6 Conclusion 300
15 Impact of Computational Intelligence and Modeling in Tackling Weather Fluctuation 305
Rohan Karn, Aniket Rouniyar, Ranjit Kumar Das and Amit Gupta
15.1 Introduction 306
15.2 Objective 308
15.3 Causes of Climate Crisis 309
15.4 Significance of AI and Modeling on Climate Crisis 311
15.5 Plastic Waste Detection Model 319
15.6 Forest Fire Prediction Models Using AI 325
15.7 Results 329
15.8 Conclusion 331
References 332
Index 335