Organizational Ethics : A Practical Approach - Craig E. Johnson
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Organizational Ethics

A Practical Approach

By: Craig E. Johnson

Paperback | 24 January 2025 | Edition Number 6

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We are constantly faced with ethical decisions, no matter what organizations we join. The ethical choices we make determine the health of our businesses, schools, government agencies, religious congregations, charities, and other institutions. Our ethical decisions also determine our career success or failure. Bestselling author, Craig E. Johnson, shows how we can develop our ethical competence, just as we develop our abilities to manage or oversee operations.

Every chapter of Organizational Ethics: A Practical Approach, Sixth Edition provides readers with opportunities to apply ethical principles and practices in a variety of settings through self-assessments, analyses, projects, and discussion. Written in a reader-friendly style, each part of the book is layered around organizational behavior. The parts introduce moral theories used in ethical problem-solving; examines individual motivations; looks at the ethical dilemmas of groups, teams, and leaders as well as offers strategies for creating ethical cultures and promoting social responsibility. This book shows how readers can develop their ethical expertise and provides opportunities to practice problem-solving to defend their decisions.

New to This Edition:

  • 28 new case studies on current events such as Amazon, eBay, the National Football League, the National Women's Soccer League, Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor, Wells Fargo, and Disney.
  • 13 new self-assessments on topics such as ethnocentrism, ethical leadership, and social loafing. Self-assessments now include a "Looking Further" feature which asks readers to reflect on and apply the results.
  • 11 new "Contemporary Issues in Organizational Ethics" boxes included
  • New and expanded discussions of the ethics of ChatGPT (AI), inclusivity issues, corporate citizenship statements, greenwashing, moral intelligence, power currencies, personal branding, exploitative leadership, selfish leadership, the "dark side" of moral intensity, and the seven-stage decision-making model.

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