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Out of the Shadows : Preaching the Women of the Bible - Kate Bruce

Out of the Shadows

Preaching the Women of the Bible

By: Kate Bruce, Liz Shercliff

Paperback | 30 June 2021

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The story of the Bible us most often told as the story of men, from patriarchs to prophets, kings, disciples and apostles. But women are there, sometimes in the background, sometimes striding powerfully onto the stage. Their story is moving, prophetic and good news for the congregations to whom we preach.

Preaching the Women of the Bible seeks to enable preachers to see these often marginal characters in a new light, offering ideas about how to communicate their stories with power, resonance and punch.

Industry Reviews
'This is intelligent writing which opens doors for imaginative preaching and roots this life giving ministry in prayer.' -- The Rt Revd Alison White, Bishop of Hull
'An important, accessible and comprehensive account of the too-long silenced voices of women of the bible. Including the women you know, the women you thought you knew and the women you hadn't heard of or had long forgotten, this book seeks them out and brings them out of the deep shadows imposed on them. This is a book for everyone seeking to challenge their own bias, conscious or unconscious and is particularly urgent given the public conversations around violence against women and the dismantling of patriarchy. I commend it to you with urgency, it will challenge, inform and gently but surely change the way you think, speak and write about these women of faith.' -- The Revd Kate Bottley, Priest and broadcaster
"I have long believed that the women in the biblical narrative have been over looked. Sadly they are pigeon-holed to only being suitable for women's fellowship talks, a few comforting tales to entertain between the sessions on the holiday photos of the minister's tour of Greece, and the nice person fromthe children's charity. They are often skirted over in the lectionary without the preacher giving them the rigour of academic integration that other biblical texts in our tradition have been afforded. In the twenty plus years I have known Kate Bruce, and through Kate, Liz Shercliff I have admired her dogged determination to never let a text go, without affording it that interrogation, with her sharp mind, honest questioning heart and insightful wit, Kate's beautifully crafted use of language shines light where there once was darkness. All this is evident in abundance in 'Out of the Shadows' and I wholeheartedly commend this book to all who are seeking more that a cursory glance women in the biblical texts. You will not be disappointed." -- Revd Alison Wilkinson, Wesley Study Centre, Durham, UK
"What an absolute gift Kate Bruce and Liz Shercliff have gifted the preacher. How boldly and vibrantly the women of scripture speak through their insightful telling of their stories. How dynamically they spring to life. In "Out of the Shadows', they write of "Woman Wisdom' being an inspirational ally for the woman preacher. This book, in its entirety, is a confident, wise, and powerful ally that all preachers will want to turn to, again and again. It will sit firmly on my writing desk, very close to hand." -- Jenny Cornfield, Freelance charity consultant
"This book is stuffed with scriptural sleuthery, homiletical skill, and pastoral sensitivity. Kate and Liz show preachers how honouring women's stories leads to encountering God's Wisdom." -- Revd Matthew Allen, Diocese of Blackburn, UK
"What a gift Out of the Shadows is! The words of the women in the Bible are placed centre stage, inviting readers to step into their world and listen afresh to their stories. The authors deftly delve into, and question, patriarchal interpretations, challenging understandings that have impacted not only on the perceptions of the women in the bible, but also women today. Theologically astute, this is a compelling, insightful and important read, with creative sermon suggestions that will spark the imaginations of new and experienced preachers alike. A book I know I will return to again and again." -- Grace Thomas, St Edmund's and St James, Moss Side
"This book is readable, insightful and profoundly hopeful. It will inform both preachers, teachers of homiletics and those who look to the scriptures hoping for liberation for women and, indeed, all people." -- Rev'd Canon Jenny Wilson, The Company of Preachers

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