In her refreshing new book, Own It!, Paige restores integrity and accountability to their proper place at the center of the performance conversation. Through a compelling blend of real-life stories and cutting-edge research, she unlocks the power in the timeless wisdom: say what you'll do and do what you say, and delivers a practical guide for building an accountability culture that enhances individual performance and brings out the best in others.
Own It! is an antidote for the helplessness, spin, and frustration holding back far too many organizations, and is a must-read for any leader interested in building more authentic, happier lives for both themselves and their teams.
Accountability is a word that is used often, but is often used without understanding exactly what accountability is. In Own It!, Dr Paige Williams identifies what it means to be and to call others to account.
There are key challenges in accountability. Paige outlines and explains what these are and suggests the pathway as we journey to a greater understanding of what accountability is.
Accountability is not easy; in fact, it is hard. But without it, and an accountable culture, the chance of sustained success is unlikely. Whether it be from a professional or personal viewpoint, Own It! is a book that will enlighten, inform and lead you to greater accountability.
Owning it is a way of life and Paige is the living embodiment of this truth. In Own It! she invites each of us to take responsibility for who we are and what we do with our time at work, in life and on the planet.
In Own it!, Paige has delivered an exceptionally practical and insightful book on how to understand, build and maintain accountability for yourself and others in the workplace. An engaging read, that brings Paige's insights developed through her professional experiences working with leaders across many industries to life, in a clear and accessible format that will benefit many people and organisations.
This book is like wearing contact lenses for the first time - suddenly seeing so clearly, is a shock. Own It! cuts through the baffling confusion and craziness we see all around us - in politics, government, sport, even in our private lives, and argues much of it comes from a lack of accountability: we're in an accountability crisis. People don't do what they say they will (or don't admit that they can't), so we all waste time, waste effort, and get demoralised and tired.
Dr Paige Williams draws the sting of accountability, which sounds demanding - and is - by bringing in research that the key to any effective communication, particularly the most challenging level of holding people to account, is relationship - or, as she puts it, love. For Paige, doing what you say; saying what you can't; and being deeply honest with others - and yourself - is integrity in action. With that completely different perspective, it suddenly becomes much easier, not just to understand a great deal of the incompetence and frustration around us, but to do something about it.
This is a brave book. But these are fragile times, and we need brave books. I have coached and taught leaders from around the world for almost thirty years, and books like this, which open up a whole new territory, with both heavyweight science and beautiful writing, come along very rarely. The message is clear and strong and might not be easy for some to hear - but Paige guides us through. It has made a real difference to me, and I warmly recommend it