Section 1: General principles and techniques
Section editors: Simon Kay, David McCombe, and Daniel Wilks
1.1: Simon Kay and David McCombe: General principles and techniques
1.2: Gus McGrouther: Tissue healing
1.3: Donald Dewar: Infections
1.4: Mark Goodfield: Structure and function of the skin
1.5: Amanda Murphy, Steven F. Morris, and G. Ian Taylor: Vascular anatomy
1.6: Chetan Srinath and Alan Yates: Anaesthesia
1.7: Siobhan O'Ceallaigh and Mamta Shah: Skin grafts
1.8: Donald Dewar: Skin flaps
1.9: David McCombe and Wayne Morriso: Microsurgery
1.10: Rajib Rahim and Graham Stables: Benign skin conditions and tumours
1.11: Barbara Jemec and Gregor B. E. Jemec: Non- melanoma skin cancer and premalignant conditions
1.12: Michael Henderson, John Spillane, David Gyorki, and Christopher McCormack: Pigmented lesions and melanoma including premalignant conditions
1.13: David Stewart: Wound dressings
1.14: Ian M. Smith and Vinay Itte: Sarcoma
1.15: Daniel Wilks and Simon Kay: Vacscularized composite allotransplantation
Section 2: Burns surgery
Section editor: Jeremy Rawlins
2.1: Ravi F. Sood and Nicole S. Gibran: Mechanisms of burn injury: thermal, chemical, electrical, and radiation
2.2: Fiona Wood and Keith Judkins: The burned patient: physiology and pathology
2.3: Jeremy Rawlins and Isabel Jones: Adult thermal burns
2.4: Suzanne Rea and Sian Falder: The burnt child
2.5: David C.G. Sainsbury and Joel Fish: Electrical injury and burns and their management
2.6: Alexandra Murray: Chemical burns
2.7: Marc-James Hallam, Johann A. Jeevaratnam, Christopher H.E. Imray, and Tania Cubison: Cold-induced injury to the skin and deep tissues
2.8: Johann A. Jeevaratnam, Marc-James Hallam, and Tania Cubison: Radiation injury to the skin and deep tissues
Section 3: Nerve surgery
Section editors: Simon Kay, Mikael Wiberg, and Andrew Hart
3.1: Surgical anatomy and physiology of the intact peripheral nervous system including cranial nerves
3.1.1: Lev N. Novikov and Mikael Wiberg: Macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the peripheral nervous system
3.1.2: Andrew Hart: Blood supply of the peripheral nerve
3.1.3: Paul J. Kingham and Mikael Wiberg: The Schwann cell
3.1.4: Staffan Johansson: Physiological requirements for action potential conduction, sensory awareness, and motor control
3.1.5: Roland S. Johansson and Per F. Nordmark: Tactile sensory control of the human hand
3.2: Andrew Hart: Neurobiology of injury (compression, traction, laceration) and repair, and grading of injuries
3.3: Clinical features of nerve injuries and their diagnosis
3.3.1 : Robert Bains and Simon Kay: Clinicopathological correlates with theoretical grades
3.3.2 : Simon Kay: Tinel-Hoffman sign
3.3.3 : Arup Mallik: Neurophysiological assessments for peripheral nerve injury
3.3.4 : Simon Kay and Robert Bains: Adult brachial plexus injury
3.3.5 : Robert Bains and Simon Kay: Brachial plexus injury in the child
3.4: Surgical management of the divided nerve and nerve grafts and transfers
3.4.1: Duncan A. McGrouther: Surgical management of the divided nerve
3.4.2: Robert Bains and Simon Kay: Nerve grafts and transfers
3.5: Birgitta Rosén and Christina Jerosch-Herold: Hand therapy after peripheral nerve injury
3.6: Lesley A. Colvin and Sebastian Bourn: Chronic postsurgical pain and complex regional pain syndrome
3.7: Compression or mechanical neuropathy
3.7.1: Andrew Hart: Pathophysiology
3.7.2: Lars B. Dahlin and Niels Thomsen: Compression neuropathies
3.7.3: Anna Barnard and Simon Kay: Thoracic outlet syndrome
3.8: Thomas J. Wilson, Carlos E. Restrepo and Robert J. Spinner: Mass lesions of the peripheral nervous system
Section 4: Upper limb
Section editors: Vivien Lees and James Haeney
4.1 : Anuj Mishra: Clinical assessment and imaging of the upper limb
4.2 : James Haeney: Anthropological, behavioural, and cultural characteristics of the human hand
4.3 : Vivien Lees: Applied biomechanics of the hand, wrist, and forearm
4.4 : Sophie Collier and Barbara Jemec: Soft tissue infections of the hand and upper limb
4.5 : Richard Milner: Dupuytren's disease
4.6 : David Elliot: Soft tissue reconstruction of the hand
4.7 : Alex E. Hamilton: Microsurgical reconstruction of the upper limb
4.8 : Fiona Peck: Hand therapy, rehabilitation, and rehabilitation following tendon injury
4.9 : Robert Winterton: Amputations
4.10 : David J. Shewring: Fractures of the hand and wrist
4.11 : Carlos Heras-Palou: Ligamentous injuries of the hand and wrist
4.12 : Manu Sood: Osteoarthritis of the wrist and hand
4.13 : Sohail Akhtar: Soft tissue inflammatory disorders of the hand
4.14 : Peter Burge: Inflammatory arthritis of the hand and wrist
4.15 : Fortune Iwuagwu: The flexor tendons
4.16 : Sanjib Majumder: The extensor tendons
4.17 : Cath Hernon: Tendon transfers in the hand and wrist
4.18 : Simon Kay: Reanimation in the upper limb: free functioning and pedicled muscle transfer
4.19 : David Elliot: Pain syndromes
4.20 : Wee-Leon Lam and Megan G. Davey: Embryology of the upper limb
4.21 : Grainne Bourke, Ian Grant, and Gill Smith: Management of children's hand disorder
4.22 : David McCombe: Traumatic injury to the child's hand
4.23 : Paul McArthur: Upper limb spasticity
4.24 : Vikram Devaraj: Soft tissue swellings of the hand and upper limb
4.25 : Geoffrey Hooper: Bone lesions in the upper limb and hand
4.26 : Stewart Watson: Systemic disorders reflected in the hand
Section 5: Lower limb
Section editor: Umraz Khan
5.1 : Umraz Khan: Classification of lower limb trauma
5.2 : Michael Kelly: Principles of acute management of lower limb trauma
5.3 : Kaz M.A. Rahman and Shehan Hettiaratchy: The devascularised limb
5.4 : Thomas C. Wright: Management of soft-tissue loss without microsurgery
5.5 : Zoran M. Arnez: Microvascular cover in the lower limb: indications and timing, flap types, and technique
5.6 : Mark Jackson: Management of bone loss
5.7 : Moazzam N. Tarar and Ata Ul Haq: Lower limb replantation
5.8 : Umraz Khan and Alan Gordon: Amputations in the lower limb
5.9 : David Wallace: Lower limb trauma outcome measures: limb salvage and amputation
5.1: Umraz Khan: Lower limb osteomyelitis
5.11: Fergal Monsell: Management of congenital limb deficiency
5.12: Fergal Monsell: Orthopaedic management of congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia
5.13: Ian Winson: How the foot and ankle works (mechanics of the foot)
5.14: Fergal Monsell: The skeletal consequences of meningococcal septicaemia
Section 6: Craniofacial and cleft
Section editors: Hiroshi Nishikawa, Felicity V. Mehendale, and David C.G. Sainsbury
6.1 : Jagajeevan Jagadeesan and Hiroshi Nishikawa: Classification of craniofacial anomalies
6.2 : Mark S. Lloyd: Embryology of craniofacial skeleton
6.3 : Andrew O.M. Wilkie: Genetics of craniofacial anomalies
6.4 : Nicholas White: Assessment of patients with craniosynostosis
6.5 : Christian Duncan and Hiroshi Nishikawa: Non-syndromic craniosynostosis
6.6 : Stephen Dover and Martin Evans: Syndromic craniosynostosis
6.7 : Aina V.H. Greig and David J. Dunaway: Hypertelorism and orbital dystopia
6.8 : David R. FitzPatrick: Orofacial clefts: embryology, epidemiology, and genetics
6.9 : David C.G. Sainsbury: Classification, evaluation, and management of the neonate with a cleft
6.10 : Jason Neil-Dwyer: Primary management of cleft lip and palate
6.11 : Marc C. Swan, Conrad J. Harrison, and Tim E.E. Goodacre: Outcome assessment in cleft lip and palate surgery
6.12 : Peter D. Hodgkinson: Secondary surgery in the cleft lip and palate
6.13 : David C.G. Sainsbury, Caroline C. Williams, and Felicity V. Mehendale: Velopharyngeal dysfunction
Section 7: Maxillofacial trauma
Section editor: Lachlan M. Carter
7.1 : Christopher J. Mannion: Assessment of the maxillofacial patient: maxillofacial trauma and ATLS®
7.2 : Lachlan M. Carter: Fractures of the mandible
7.3 : A. Nicholas Brown: Zygomatic complex fractures
7.4 : Trevor Teemul: Orbital fractures
7.5 : A. Nicholas Brown: Fractured nasal bones
7.6 : Jiten D. Parmar and Lachlan M. Carter: Management of midface fractures: maxilla
7.7 : Nabeela Ahmed, Lachlan M. Carter, and Rabindra P. Singh: Frontal sinus and nasoethmoidal injuries
7.8 : Jiten D. Parmar and Lachlan M. Carter: Sequencing of panfacial fracture repair by
7.9 : Claire Bates, Trevor Hodge, Christopher J. Mannion, and Lachlan M. Carter: Introduction to orthognathic surgery, the assessment of facial disproportion, and orthognathic treatment planning
7.10 : Claire Bates, Trevor Hodge, and Lachlan M. Carter: First and second branchial arch anomalies
7.11 : Claire Bates, Christopher J. Mannion, and Lachlan M. Carter: Common orthognathic procedures
Section 8: Head and neck surgery
Section editor: Maniram Ragbir
8.1 : Kristian Sørensen: The head and neck multidisciplinary team
8.2 : Charles Y.Y. Loh and Christopher G. Wallace: Anatomy and embryology of the head and neck
8.3 : Jonathan A. Dunne and Paolo L. Matteucci: Tumours of the oral cavity
8.4 : Isma Z. Iqbal, Anusha Balasubramanian, and Vinidh Paleri: Tumours of the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and hypopharynx
8.5 : Mark Puvanendran and Vinidh Paleri: Tumours of the larynx
8.6 : Ramesh Gurunathan and Vinidh Paleri: Tumours of the thyroid gland
8.7 : James Wokes and Neil McLean: Tumours of the salivary glands
8.8 : Peter Kalu and Maniram Ragbir: Tracheostomy
8.9 : Vinidh Paleri and Maniram Ragbir: Assessment and management of metastatic neck disease
8.10 : Kaz M.A. Rahman: Scalp, forehead, and calvarium reconstruction
8.11 : Mogdad Alrawi: Eyelid reconstruction
8.12 : David C.G. Sainsbury: Lip reconstruction
8.13 : Matthew Potter: Cheek reconstruction
8.14 : Michael D. Kernohan and Kelly Thornbury: Nasal reconstruction
8.15 : Jonathan Pollock and Maniram Ragbir: Reconstruction of the pharynx
8.16 : Douglas G. Bryant, Alex P. Jones, and Maniram Ragbir: Reconstruction of the mandible and maxilla
8.17 : Onur Gilleard and Kallirroi Tzafetta: Anatomy and physiology of the facial nerve and aetiology of facial nerve palsy
8.18 : Omar A. Ahmed and Richard Chalmers: Management of facial nerve palsy
8.19 : Ivan Zammit-Maempel: Radiology of the head and neck
8.20 : Charles Kelly: Adjuvant therapy for head and neck cancers
Section 9: The chest and breast
Section editors: Rodney Cooter, Nicola R. Dean, and Kieran Horgan
9.1 : Quoc Lam: Embryology and development of the chest wall and breast
9.2 : Harvey Stern: Deformities of the chest
9.3 : Amy E. Jeeves: Surgical anatomy of the breast
9.4 : Michelle L. Lodge: Congenital deformities of the breast
9.5 : Mark Ashton and Iain Whitaker: Preoperative imaging for autologous breast reconstruction
9.6 : Kieran Horgan, Barbara Dall, Rebecca Millican-Slater, Russell Bramhall, Fiona MacNeill, David Dodwell, Indu Chaudhuri, and Sebastian Trainor: Breast malignancy: diagnosis and management
9.7 : Nicola R. Dean: Breast reconstruction: patient assessment
9.8 : Melissa A. Mueller, Emily G. Clark, and Gregory R.D. Evans: Tissue expander and implant breast reconstruction
9.9 : Mark A. Lee: Latissimus dorsi breast reconstruction
9.10 : Janek S. Januszkiewicz: TRAM flap breast reconstruction
9.11 : Mark Ashton: DIEP Flap breast reconstruction
9.12 : Hinne A. Rakhorst: Alternative flaps for microsurgical breast reconstruction
9.13 : Wayne Morrison: The tissue-engineered breast
9.14 : Marc A.M. Mureau: Management of complications of microvascular abdominal flap breast reconstruction
9.15 : Garry Buckland: The nipple-areolar complex
9.16 : Emily G. Clark, Melissa A. Mueller, and Gregory R.D. Evans: Ancillary considerations in breast surgery
9.17 : Glenda Rudkin and Sarah Gardiner: Anaesthesia and analgesia considerations in breast surgery
9.18 : Nicola R. Dean, Rod Cooter, and Andrea L. Pusic: Measuring outcomes in plastic surgery of the breast
Section 10: Abdomen
Section editor: Andrew Fleming
10.1 : Kezia Echlin: Functional anatomy of the abdominal wall
10.2 : Omar A. Khan, Emma Rose McGlone, and Marcus Reddy: The open abdomen
10.3 : Kezia Echlin and Andrew Fleming: The principles of complex abdominal hernia repair
10.4 : Jonathan W.G. Lohn and Martin J.J. Vesely: Local and free flap abdominal wall repair
10.5 : Anthony Barabás and Andrew Fleming: Necrotizing fasciitis of the abdomen
10.6 : Donald Hudson and Sean Moodley: Functional anatomy of the pelvis and gluteal region
10.7 : Kezia Echlin and Andrew Fleming: Pilonidal disease
10.8 : Donald Hudson and Sean Moodley: Pressure ulcers
10.9 : Alexandra Crick: Perineal reconstruction following anorectal excision
10.10: Lucy Cogswell: Vulval and vaginal reconstruction
Section 11: Urogenital surgery and gender dysphoria
Section editor: Oliver Fenton
11.1 : Simon Wharton, Khurram Khan, and David Coleman: Hypospadias
11.2 : Dan Wilby and Dan Wood: Bladder exstrophy and epispadias: functional and surgical challenges
11.3 : Giulio Garaffa and David J. Ralph: Penile reconstruction
11.4 : Dan Wood: Disorders of sex development: surgical challenges
11.5 : Oliver Fenton: Gender reassignment
Section 12: Cosmetic surgery
Section editors: Nigel Mercer and Mark Soldin
12.1 : Nichola Rumsey and Nicole Paraskeva: Psychological assessment
12.2 : Nigel Mercer and Mark Soldin: Avoiding patient dissatisfaction: the consultation, preoperative preparation, and postoperative care
12.3 : Richard J. Barlow: Lasers and flashlamps in the treatment of skin disorders
12.4 : Sherina Balaratnam, Sami Stagnell, and Tamara W. Griffiths: Botulinum toxins
12.5 : John Dickson and Nigel Mercer: Lipomodelling
12.6 : Brett Archer: Fillers and dermabraisive therapies
12.7 : Adam Searle, Albert de Mey, and Christophe Zirak: Treatment of large and ptotic breasts
12.8 : Nagham Darhouse and Greg Williams: Hair restoration
12.9 : Norman Waterhouse, Naresh Noshi, Niall Kirkpatrick, and Lisa Brendling: Periorbital, lower face, and neck
12.10 : Lucian Ion: Primary aesthetic rhinoplasty
12.11 : Paul Johnson and David Tighe: Modification of the facial skeleton in aesthetic facial surgery
12.12 : John Dickson and Nigel Mercer: Gynaecomastia
12.13 : Marion Grob and Elliott Smock: Treatment of small breasts and inverted nipples
12.14 : Farida Ali: Asymmetry of the breast
12.15 : Nicholas Wilson Jones: Abdominal wall anatomy
12.16 : Isabel Teo and Mark Soldin: Anatomy, physiology, and pathology of body fat
12.17 : Christopher Abela and Mark Soldin: Abdominoplasty
12.18 : Marco Gasparotti, Isabel Teo, Andrea Maria Florio, Davide Lazzeri, and Mark Soldin: Liposculpture
12.19 : Lina Triana and Mildred Martínez Millán: Buttock augmentation
12.20 : Maleeha Mughal and Mark Soldin: Aesthetic surgery of the genitalia
12.21 : Alberic Fiennes: Bariatric surgery
12.22 : Mohammed Akhavani and Mark Soldin: Upper trunk and breast surgery after massive weight loss
12.23 : Dirk F. Richter and Nina Schwaiger: Lower body lift and abdominal surgery after massive weight loss
12.24 : Anthony Barabás and Mark Soldin: Thigh lift
12.25 : Charles J. Bain and Mark Soldin: Brachioplasty
12.26 : Athanasios Papas and Mark Soldin: Aesthetic surgery of the leg
12.27 : Donald Hudson: The ageing breast
Section 13: The legal, ethics, and behavioural components of plastic surgery
Section editor: Simon Kay
13.1 : Oliver Fenton: The ethics of gender reassignment surgery
13.2 : Maggie Bellew: Psychological consequences of the birth of a child with a congenital hand anomaly
13.3 : Maggie Bellew: Psychological assessment of cosmetic surgery patients
13.4 : Simon Kay and Maggie Bellew: Factitious injury and related conditions
13.5 : Mark Ashley: Legal aspects of consent to treatment and the nature of malpractice claims in the United Kingdom
13.6 : Simon Kay and Maggie Bellew: Consulting with children