Epidemiology, presentation, diagnosis, and staging
1: Adam Ainley, Rebecca Gillibrand, and Himender Makker: Lung cancer in a 53 year old smoker
2: Adam Ainley and Himender Makker: Lung cancer in an ex-smoker with underlying lung fibrosis
3: Adam Ainley, Sashin Kaneria, and Himender Makker: Incidental solitary pulmonary nodule in an ex-smoker Afro-Caribbean lady
4: Adam Ainley and Himender Makker: Advanced lung cancer on CTPA in a patient presenting to Accident & Emergency department with chest pain and breathlessness
5: Adam Ainley and Himender Makker: Impaired vision in an ex-smoker
6: Adam Ainley and Himender Makker: Late recurrence or second primary lung cancer
7: Adam Ainley, Bryan Sheinman, and Himender Makker: Endobronchial tumour in a smoker with history of lymphoma
8: Adam Ainley and Himender Makker: Progressive breathlessness associated with a right sided pleural effusion
9: Adam Ainley, Sashin Kaneria, and Himender Makker: PET positive right lower lobe mass
10: Adam Ainley, Rebecca Gillibrand, and Himender Makker: Histology of right hilar mass in an ex-smoker
11: Adam Ainley, Rebecca Gillibrand, and Himender Makker: Pericardial and pleural effusions in a smoker with metastatic adenocarcinoma
12: Adam Ainley, Bryan Sheinman, and Himender Makker: Right lower lobe squamous cell carcinoma associated with hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy
13: Adam Ainley and Himender Makker: A 30 year old lady with solitary lesion and haemoptysis
14: Adam Ainley and Himender Makker: Asymptomatic metastatic disease in a 71 year man with history of frequent falls
Medical Oncology
15: Oscar Juan and Sanjay Popat: Metastatic small cell cancer presenting with haemoptysis and left upper lobe collapse, treated with chemotherapy
16: Oscar Juan and Sanjay Popat: Adenocarcinoma identified to be EGFR mutation positive
17: Oscar Juan and Sanjay Popat: Adenocarcinoma identified to be ALK fusion positive
18: Nadza Tokaca and Sanjay Popat: Relapsed stage 4 adenocarcinoma with insufficient material for genotyping at diagnosis
19: Spyros Gennatas and Sanjay Popat: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the lung in a patient with previous breast cancer
20: Adam Januszewski and Sanjay Popat: Non-resolving bilateral consolidation diagnosed as invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma with lepidic predominant pattern (previously known as bronchoalveolar carcinoma) on biopsy
21: Adam Januszewski and Sanjay Popat: Stage IIA adenocarcinoma of lung in a never smoker undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy
22: Spyros Gennatas and Sanjay Popat: Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM)
23: Spyros Gennatas and Sanjay Popat: Lung carcinoid tumour
24: Adam Januszewski and Sanjay Popat: A 54 year old with T4N2M0 squamous cell carcinoma who developed neutropenic sepsis on second course of chemotherapy
25: Adam Januszewski and Sanjay Popat: A 76 year old with oligometastatic stage IV squamous cell carcinoma who developed diarrhea on treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors
26: Adam Januszewski and Sanjay Popat: A 55-year-old patient with relapsed stage IV ALK fusion positive adenocarcinoma treated with crizotinib, presenting with headaches
Clinical Oncology
27: Kobika Sritharan and Julian Singer: Drop Metastasis
28: Kobika Sritharan and Julian Singer: Superior vena cava obstruction (SVCO) due to lung cancer
29: Kobika Sritharan and Julian Singer: Pancoast tumour
30: Kobika Sritharan and Julian Singer: High dose palliative radiotherapy
31: Kobika Sritharan and Julian Singer: Stereotactic radiotherapy
Thoracic Surgery
32: Martin Hayward and Sofoklis Mitsos: A patient with T2N1M0 squamous cell carcinoma
33: Martin Hayward and Sofoklis Mitsos: Long term complications of thoracotomy- chest wall paraesthesia and neuralgic chest pain
34: Martin Hayward and Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos: Left pneumonectomy in a 25 year old with carcinoid tumour
35: Martin Hayward and Davide Patrini: Postoperative care of 60 year old man with Squamous cell carcinoma but with severe COPD and no other co-morbidities
36: Martin Hayward and Davide Patrini: Preoperative assessment and fitness for surgery- T2N0 M0 Left hilar squamous cell carcinoma in lady with severe COPD
Palliative care
37: Antke Hagena: An 84 year old lady with advanced staged disease, dementia and multiple co-morbidities
38: Antke Hagena: Use of nerve block in case of Right Lung Adenocarcinoma, received local radiotherapy and nerve block
39: Antke Hagena: Patient presenting with cough, breathlessness and haemoptysis, previously resected T1N0MO right upper lobe cancer
40: Antke Hagena: Case of Ex-Builder with pleural effusions secondary to mesothelioma