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Oxford Science 10 Student Book+obook pro : Victorian Curriculum - Helen Silvester

Oxford Science 10 Student Book+obook pro

Victorian Curriculum

By: Helen Silvester

Book with Other Items | 6 January 2022 | Edition Number 2

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Oxford Science Victorian Curriculum 2E is a complete print and digital Science package that provides a scaffolded approach to Science Inquiry Skill development and application. Prepare your students for success in the Senior Sciences from day one of Year 7.

Oxford Science Victorian Curriculum 2E Student Books feature a simple, engaging design with targeted on-page features that support student understanding and progression, including:
  • a concept-based approach: one concept = one spread = one lesson
  • easy-to-navigate layouts with simple language and engaging visuals
  • up-to-date, local case studies and statistics
  • accessible language for every student, reviewed by literacy experts
  • worked examples for important processes and calculations to support numeracy development
  • a focus on Science Inquiry Skills that features in Toolkit chapters and is scaffolded throughout each text in practical experiments and activities
  • questions and activities that scaffold capabilities, modelling cricital thinking and approaches to ethics
  • experiments at the back of each book to maintain the flow of concepts in-chapter
  • Science as a Human Endeavour spreads with skill application questions

Oxford Science Victorian Curriculum

Oxford Science 9 Student Book+Student obook pro : Victorian Curriculum, 2nd Edition - Helen Silvester
Oxford Science 8 Student Book+Student obook pro : Victorian Curriculum, 2nd Edition - Helen Silvester