Section 1: Introduction
1: Mike Rowson: Women's and children's health in a changing world
2: Joy Lawn, Samantha Sadoo,: Strategies through the lifecycle to improve maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health
3: Mike Rowson: Agencies and actors in women's and children's health
Section 2: Research Methods
4: Tim Colbourn: Research Methods and Evidence Based Medicine
5: Catherine Pitt, Josephine Borghi, Kara Hanson: Economic evaluation in global health
Section 3: Important concepts across the life course
6: Bernadette O'Hare, Sebastian Taylor: Social determinants of child health
7: Caroline Fall, Kalyanaraman Kumaran: Developmental origins of health and disease
8: Kate Mandeville, Ingrid Wolfe: Health Workers and Health Systems
9: Nicholas Watts: The environment and health
10: Miriam Orcutt, Clare Shortall, Aula Abarra: Conflict, Natural Disaster and the Humanitarian Response
Section 4: Adolescent health
11: Susan Sawyer, Suraya Abdul-Razak, George Patton: Introduction to Adolescent health
12: Saiqa Mullick: Adolescent sexual and reproductive health
13: Jackie Pitchforth, Dougal Hargreaves: Adolescent Non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
14: Kelly Clarke, Silvia Yasuda, Atif Rahman: Adolescent mental health
15: Rashida Ferrand: Adolescent HIV and infection
16: Qingfeng Li, Adnan Hyder: Adolescent Injuries
17: Samantha Sadoo, David Ross: Strategies to improve adolescent health
Section 5: Women's health
18: Address Malata: Introduction to Maternal Health
19: Mags Beksinska, Jenni Smit, Chelsea Morroni Lavanya Pillay: Sexual and reproductive health
20: Jennifer Hall: Contraception and abortion
21: Abi Merriel, Raymond Kanthit, David Lissauer: Direct maternal Deaths
22: Heather Lytle, Beatrice Chikaphonya-Phiri, Abi Merriel: Indirect maternal deaths
23: Nynke van de Broek, Mary McCauley: Maternal morbidity
24: Delanjathan Devakumar, Patricia Rondo: Maternal nutrition
25: Rob Stewart, Selena Gleadow-Ware: Maternal mental health
26: Address Malata: Strategies to improve maternal health
Section 6: Newborn health
27: Samantha Sadoo, Hannah Blencowe, Shefali Oza, Joy Lawn: Introduction to newborn health
28: Hannah Blencowe, Samantha Sadoo, Joy Lawn: Stillbirth
29: Sarah Moxon, Samantha Sadoo , Tom Lissauer: Preterm births
30: Anne CC Lee, Saima Aftab, Lian Folger, Lauren Schaeffer: Intrapartum related events affecting the newborn
31: Anna Seale, Helen Brotherton: Neonatal Infection
32: Sowmi Moorthie: Congenital disorders
33: Gabriela Cormick, Nicole Minckas, José Belizán: Low Birth weight and poor fetal growth
34: Samantha Sadoo, Hannah Blencowe, Joy Lawn, Cally Tann: Strategies to improve newborn health and prevent stillbirths
Section 7: Child health
35: Dan Magnus, Sebastian Taylor, Bhanu Williams: Introduction to child health
36: Mark Lee, Bhanu Williams, Anupam Goenka: Child infection
37: Jonathan Wells: Child nutrition
38: Richard Rosch, Michelle Heyes, Hannah Kuper: Child development and disability
39: Jessica Mvula, Takondwa Chimowa, Elizabeth Molyneux, Bernadette O'Hare: Non-communicable diseases and childhood
40: Therese Hesketh: Children in difficult circumstances
41: Geoff Debelle, Qingfeng Li, Delan Devakumar: Child injury, maltreatment and safeguarding
42: Fred Martineau: Strategies to improve child health
Section 8: Influencing policy
43: Elizabeth Mason, Blerta Maliqi: Converting research into policy
44: Maureen Kelly: Ethics and rights
45: Tony Waterston: Advocacy in maternal and child health
46: David Osrin: Current challenges and debates for women's and children's health