Parson Gray Trade Quilts : 20 Rough-Hewn Projects - David Butler

Parson Gray Trade Quilts

20 Rough-Hewn Projects

By: David Butler (Created by)

Hardcover | 22 November 2016

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Quilting gets a rustic modern treatment in this 20-project sewing book that celebrates American trade quilts, with touches of Native and early American influences. The timeless style of these DIY designs will inspire quilters of every skill level to make cozy style statements for their home or office.

Clear, step-by-step instructions detail how to use inventive techniques such as coffee staining and bleaching to achieve a perfectly distressed vintage feel, while dozens of helpful diagrams and photographs make these projects even more accessible. From a stunning Navajo blanket to a World's Fair design comprising international antique flags, this compilation is ideal for anyone looking to create gorgeous quilts and blankets in the spirit of a bygone era.

About the Author

David Butler is the artist behind the folk modern brand Parson Gray. As a designer whose clientele has included Cirque du Soleil, Ralph Lauren, Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch as well as Rolling Stone, Timberland and American Eagle, David has brought his tactile brand of graphic storytelling and modern heritage to all that he creates. When not touring with his band Black Owls, he weaves Parson Gray into products for home, fashion and lifestyle. He works from his Ohio studio with fabled fabric designer wife Amy Butler.

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