The Editors - Preface A Tribute to Cosmic Dust Pioneer J. Mayo Greenberg D.L. Block The Hubble Tuning Fork Strikes a New Note D.L. Block et al. Episodes in the Development of the Hubble Galaxy Classification A. Sandage Secular Evolution Versus Hierarchical Merging: Galaxy Evolution along the Hubble-sequence, in the Fields and Rich Environments F. Combes Dense Gas and Star Formation in Bars S. Huttemeister On the Origin of S0 Galaxies U.-Fritze v. Alvensleben Gravitational Bar Torques in the Spiral/S0 Divide R. Buta Direct Measurement of Pattern Speeds In Double-Barred SB0's E.M. Corsini et al. Gas Flows, Star Formation and Galaxy Evolution J.E. Beckman et al. Bar-Driven Evolution and 2D Spectroscopy of Bulges M. Bureau et al. Bar-Driven Fueling of Galactic Nuclei: a 2D view E. Emsellem Dust Penetrated Arm Classes: Insight form Rising and Falling Rotation Curves M.S. Seigar, D.L. Block, I. Puerari Bar Dissolution and Reformation Mechanisms F. Bournaud, F. Combes Dynamics of Doubly Barred Galaxies, also with the Inner Bar Retrograde W. Maciejewski A Coordinated Episode of AGB Star Production at Large Galactocentric Distances in the Andromeda Galaxy G. Worthey Fuelling Starbursts and AGN J.H. Knapen Penetrating Dust Tori in AGN G. Canalizo et al. Bars from the Inside Out: An HST Study of their Dusty Circumnuclear Regions P. Martini Morphology of Bar and Spiral Modes: do they relate? P.J. Grosbol Bar Formation by Galaxy-Galaxy Interactions M. Noguchi Triggering AGN's - Interactions or Bars? J.Lim et al. Triggered Star Formation: from Large to Small Scales J. Palous, J. Jachym, E. Ehlerova Investigation of Age and Metallicity Gradients in Spiral Galaxies B. Cunow Secular Evolution and the Growth of Pseudobulges in Disk Galaxies J. Kormedy, M.E. Cornell Bars and Lences in Spiral Galaxies: Clues for Secular Evolution L.K. Hunt, C. Giovanardi, M.A. Malkan Evolution and Impact of Bars over the last nine Gyr: Early Results from GEMS S.Jogee et al. First Phylogenetic Analysis of Galaxy Evolution D. Fraix-Burnet A Unified Picture of Disk Galaxies where Bars, Spirals and Warps Result from the Same Fundametal Causes D. Pfenninger, Y. Revez On the Generation of the Hubble Sequence trough an Internal Secular Dynamical Process X. Zhang The Angular Momentum Problem and the Formation of Bulgeless Galaxies E. D'Onghia, A, Burkert Disks Evolution in a Cosmological Framework A. Curir, P. Mazzel, G. Murante Galaxy Formation and the Cosmological Angular Momentum Problem A.M. Burkert, E. D'Onghia The Problems with Galxy Formation G. Lake The Interplay between Bars and Dark Matter Halos K. Holley-Bockelmann Resent Results from the Spitzer Space Telescope: A New View of Galaxy Morphology and Classification G.G. Fazio et al. Using Bars as Signposts of Galaxy Evolution at High and Low Redshifts K. Sheth et al. The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey: Redshift Distribution of a IAB greater than or equals 24 Sample, and the Effect of Environment on Galaxy Evolution O. Le Fevre et al. An HST AOS/WFC Ha Imaging Survey of Nearby Galaxies R.A. Jansen HST Mid-UV Imaging of Nearby Galaxies R.A. Windhorst, V.A. Taylor, R.A. Jansen Bulges, Disks and Kinematics of Galaxies at z ~ 1 D.C. Koo Fourier Decomposition of Galaxies S.C. Odewahn The Evolutionary Status of Clusters of Galaxies at z ~ 1 H. Ford et al. Distant z greater than 2 Protoclusters and their Galaxies G. Miley et al. The Galaxy Structure - Redshift Relationship C.J. Conselice The Cosmic Bacground: Evolution of Infrared Galaxies and Dust Properties. A lecture Dedicated to the Memory of Mayo Greenberg J.-L. Puget, G. Lagache, H. Dole The Physical Evolution of Mass and Dust in Distant Galaxies B. Rocca-Wolmarange The Warm, Cold and Very Cold Dusty Universe A. Li Turbulence and Galactic Structure B.G. Elmegreen Chaos in Spiral Galaxies F.H. Shu, S. Chakrabarti, G. Laughlin Obtaining Statistics of Turbulent Velocity from Astrophysical Spectral Line Data A. Lazarian Estimating Power Spectra of Galaxy Structure: Can Statistics Help? P.B. Stark From z greater than 6 to z~2: Unearthing Galaxies at the Edge of the Dark Ages G. Illingsworth, L. Bouwens Masks in the Milky Way K.C. Freeman The Hierarchical Formation of the Galactic Disk J.F. Navarro The SINGS view of Barred Galaxies M.W. Reagan et al. Quantifying Bar Strength: Morphology Meets Methodology P.B. Eskridge Estimation of Bar Strengths from nearby IR Images H. Salo, E. Laurikainen, R. Buta Bar Strengths Measured for the OSUBGS sample:active vs non-active galaxes E. Laurikanen, H. Salo, R. Buta Globular Clusters: Galactic and Internal Motions I. King Evolution of Self-Gravitating Gas Disks Driven by a Rotating Bar Potential C. Yuan, D.C.C. Yen Stellar Disk Trunkations:Where do we stand? M. Pohlen et al. On the unification of Dwarf and Giant Elliptical Galaxies A.W. Graham, R. Gizman Photodissociation and the morphology of HI in Galxies R.J Allen The True H2 Content of Spiral Galaxies F. Boulanger X-Ray Perspective of Early Type Galaxies D.-W. Kim Spiral Arm Star Formation in Barred Galaxies S. Baes-Fischlmair et al. Galaxy Types and Luminosity Functions in the Soan Digital Sky Survey using Artificial Neural Networks N.M.. Ball, J. Loveday Globular Cluster Systems and Supermassive Galactic Black Holes R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta Pseudobulges in Barred S0 Galaxies P. Erwin, J.E. Beckman, J.-C. Vega-Beltran Bar and Spiral Torques in the Triangulum Galaxy M33 R. Groess, D.L. Block, I. Puerari Bar Parameters from Ha Observations O. Hernandez et al. Molecular Gas in Classical Elliptical Radio Galaxies J. Lim et al. nBars and Dust Multi Wavelength Maps of Simulations of Galaxy Formation P. Mazzel, A. Curir How Barred is the NIR Nearby Universe? An Analysis using 2MASS K. Menendez-Delmestre et al. Truncation of Stellar Disks at high Redshift J. Perez Is there a Large Stellar Bar in the LSB Galaxy UGC7321? M. Pohlen, M. Balcells, L.D. Matthews Spiral structure of the Milky Way: The state of Affairs T. Steiman-Cameron, M. Wolfire, D. Hollenbach Uncovering Morphology from dust: a NIR View of the Interacting Galaxy Pair NGC5394/95 M. Valdez-Gutierrez, I. Puerari, I. Hernandez-Lopez SCUBA Local Universe Galaxy Survey V. Vlahakis, S. Eales, L. Dunne How JWST can measure First Light, Reionization and Galaxy Assembly R.A. Windhorst, H. Yan High Resolution Velocity Fields in the Strongly Barred Galaxy NGC 1530 A. Zurita et al. Panel Discussion -Closing Conference Thoughts by Vera Rubin The Noblest Scientific Problem of the Age: Perspectives on the Transit of Venus, 1882 and 2004 W. Sheehan Description of the Commemorative Medallion, Struck to Celebrate the Transition of Venus, Observed from South Africa on 8 June 2004 B.G. Elmegreen Caption for Colour plates The 16 colour plates List of Participants