Peppi the Polo Pony - Doreen Slinkard

Peppi the Polo Pony

By: Doreen Slinkard

Paperback | 19 December 2009

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Peppi the Polo Pony was born at the Wicky Wacky Race Horse Farm outside Sydney, Australia. People thought him an ugly duckling, while children loved him. Not capable of being a race horse, Peppi was to be sold, until Aunty Jane, who lives next door, saved the day. She took Peppi to try out for the polo team. Peppi didn't do well at that either, until one night when Wilby, the pet Kangaroo, came to visit Peppi. They became friends and met each morning so Wilby could teach Peppi all about polo. The polo horses at Aunty Jane and Uncle Mark were very smart and beautiful, but were also snobs and looked down on Peppi. One day the Prince of Horsenland came to play polo at the Royal Show and was to choose a horse from Uncle Mark's team, as they were the very best. Much to the horror of the other horses, he chose Peppi! In the last seconds of the game, the teams were tied. Peppi was in front of the pack as the prince swung to hit the ball through the goals, but he missed, whereupon Peppi spun around and kicked in the winning goal. Peppi became a hero and all the other horses now respect and honor the polo pony with heart. Author Doreen Slinkard has set her continuing children's series near Sydney, where she lives. A horse trainer, she wrote this story years ago for her children, but has dusted it off for her grandchildren. Publisher's website: http: //

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