1. Introduction (Brian Atkin, Lund University and Jan Borgbrant, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden) 2. Clients as initiators of change (Dr Anders Vennstrom, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden) 3. Stakeholder engagement in property development (Dr Stefan Olander, Rasmus Johansson and Bjorn Niklasson, Lund University, Sweden) 4. Construction supply chain integration (Dr Ruben Vrijhoef and Prof Hennes de Ridder, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) 5. Rethinking communication in construction (Prof A-rjan Wikforss and Alexander Lofgren, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) 6. Transfer of experience in a construction company (Prof Anne Landin, Lund University, Sweden) 7. Authority and innovation in construction teams (Dr Niels Bertelsen, Building Research Institute, Denmark) 8. A foundation of project management theory (Louis Lousberg and Prof Hans Wamelink, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) 9. Role of action research in dealing with traditional processes (Seirgei Miller, Henny ter Huerne & Prof Andre Doree, University of Twente, The Netherlands) 10. Corporate strategies -- for whom and for what? (Johan Bjornstrom, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg and Prof Christine Raisanen, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) 11. Organisational change in the residential building sector (Abukar Warsame, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) 12. Modes of trust production in project-based industries (Prof Anne Kadefors, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden and Albertus Laan, University of Twente, The Netherlands) 13. Decision-making practice in the property development sector (Ellen Gehner and Prof Hans de Jonge, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) 14. Organisational culture in the merger of construction companies (Karin Johansson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) 15. Transfer of experience in construction companies (Dr Mats Persson and Prof Anne Landin, Lund University, Sweden) 16. Environmental attitudes, management and performance (Dr Pernilla Gluch et al., Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) 17. Human beings -- the missing link in industrial change (Lars Sunding and Prof Anders Ekholm, Lund University, Sweden) 18. Learning in demonstration projects (Dr Barbara Rubino & Prof Michael Eden, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) 19. Participative design tools in property redevelopment (Dr Gert-Joost Peek, Delft University of Technology and Dr Jac Geurts, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands) 20. Boundary objects in design (Kari Hovin Kjolle, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway and Cecilia Gustafsson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) 21. Methodological and other uncertainties in whole life costing (Prof Lars Stehn, Erika Levander and Jutta Schade, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden) 22. Variability in risk management applications (Ekaterina Osipova and Kajsa Simu, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden) 23. Quantitative risk management for construction (Prof Kalle Kahkonen, Technical Research Centre (VTT), Finland) 24. Concentration ratios in the construction market (Silvio Sancilio, Giuseppe Dibari and Nicola Costantino, Politecnico di Bari, Italy and Prof Roberto Pietroforte, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA) 25. Value-based award mechanisms (Marco Dreschler and Prof Hennes de Ridder, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)