Major Themes and Theoretical Approaches Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Approaches to Personality | |
New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis | |
Psychological Types. From Contributions to Analytical Psychology | |
The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology | |
Our Inner Conflicts | |
The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry | |
Childhood and Society | |
Explorations in Personality | |
Attachment and Loss | |
Client-centered Therapy | |
Motivation and Personality | |
Some Basic Propositions of a Growth and Self-actualization Psychology | |
Personality: A Psychological Interpretation | |
Traits Revisited | |
Personality and Motivation Theory Based on Structural Measurement | |
The Scientific Analysis of Personality | |
The Structure of Human Personality | |
Personality, Genetics and Behaviour | |
Dimensions of Personality: 16,5, or 3? - Criteria for a Taxonomic Paradigm | |
An Introduction to the Five-factor Model and its Applications | |
Four Ways Five Factors are Basic | |
The Structure of Phenotypic Personality Traits | |
Social Foundations of Thought and Action | |
Toward a Cognitive Social Learning Reconceptualization of Personality | |
From Thought to Behaviour: "Having" and "Doing" in the Study of Personality and Cognition | |
Personality Development from An Interactional Perspective | |
Evolutionary Personality Psychology | |
Theoretical Approaches - Relevant Research and Issues | |
Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Approaches | |
Theory and Experiment Relating Psychoanalytic Displacement to Stimulus-response Generalization | |
Experimental Approaches to Psychoanalysis | |
The Illusion of Mental Health | |
Development and Validation of Ego-Identity Status | |
The Effect of the Need for Achievement on Thematic Apperception | |
Romantic Love Conceptualized as an Attachment Process | |
Self-perception, Perceptual Defense, and Adjustment | |
Self-consistency as a factor Affecting Immediate Recall D. Cartwright Trait Approaches Five-factor Model | |
Validation of the Five-factor Model of Personality Across Instruments and Observers | |
The Big Five Personality Dimensions and Job Performance | |
A Contrarian View of the Five-factor Approach of Personality Description | |
Solid Ground in the Wetlands of Personality: A Reply to Block | |
So What Do You Propose We Use Instead? A Reply to Block | |
Going Beyond the Five Factors Given: Rejoinder to Costa and McCrae (1995) and Goldberg and Saucier (1995) | |
Imitation of Film-mediated Agressive Models | |
Self-evaluative and Self-efficacy Mechanisms Go | |
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved. |