Personality Plus : How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself - Florence Littauer

Personality Plus

How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself

By: Florence Littauer

Paperback | 19 January 2007

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Each of the following statements relates to one of the four basic personality types: Melancholy, Phlegmatic, Sanguine, and Choleric.

Which do you relate to most?
  • I am well organised and keep everything in its proper place.
  • I find it hard to express excitement, even about something that's really important to me.
  • Sometimes I forget where I parked the car.
  • I get annoyed when my employees don't follow my instructions to the letter.
In this revised and expanded edition, Florence Littauer provides valuable insight into your God-given personality and reveals how your unique blend of traits affects your emotions, work performance, and relationships. She also provides keys to understanding those around you. You will discover how to accept - and even enjoy - the traits that make each of us so different. Personality Plus is the tool you need to change your life for the better.

About the Author

Dr Florence Littauer is a professional writer and speaker, specialising in the link between biblical insights and relationship issues. Author of more than 30 books, she is also a mother and grandmother. She lives in Las Vegas.

Other Editions and Formats


Published: 1st July 1992

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