Author Presentation ix
Foreword xv
Eve Bureau-Point And Carole Barthelemy
Introduction xix
Nataly Botero, Helene Ledouble And François Allard-Huver
Chapter 1 Ergotoxicology in Action: Understanding Work-Activity Pesticide Exposures 1
Fabienne Goutille, Louis Galey, Clemence Rambaud, Laurence Thery And Alain Garrigou
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Ergotoxicology 2
1.2.1 Characterizing exposure in real work 2
1.2.2 The participation of working people 4
1.3 Examples of ergotoxicology applications in agriculture 5
1.3.1 The contribution of ergotoxicology to field epidemiology in the analysis of pesticide contamination among pesticide farmers 6
1.3.2 Ergotoxicology’s contribution to understanding situations involving pesticide risk 12
1.4 Contributions and limits of ergotoxicology to the characterization of pesticide exposure 23
1.5 References 25
Chapter 2 Thinking about Pesticides in Terms of a “Socio-technical Lock-in” of Information 31
Jan Smolinski
2.1 Introduction 31
2.2 Communicating using the term pesticide: why and how? 32
2.2.1 Why communicate about pesticides? 33
2.2.2 How can we communicate about pesticides? 34
2.3 Commitments to monitoring the use of plant protection products in the definition of food “quality” 35
2.3.1 Method for identifying digital devices for guiding food choice 35
2.3.2 Statistical treatment 36
2.4 The role of plant protection product use in quality assessment using digital devices 39
2.4.1 Information “lock-in”: interviews with representatives of the devices 39
2.5 Initiatives to “unlock information”: the case of Zero residu de pesticides and Planet-score 43
2.5.1 Zero residu de pesticides (Zero pesticide residues) 43
2.5.2 Planet-score 47
2.6 Conclusion 52
2.7 References 52
Chapter 3 Activist Measures and Legal Levers: An Interview with Dominique Masset 55
Nataly Botero, Helene Ledouble And François Allard-Huver
Chapter 4 The Globalization of Regulatory Science on Pesticides: History and Effects on European Law 73
Annie Martin
4.1 Introduction 73
4.2 Chemical safety ideas and tools promoted worldwide by the OECD 78
4.2.1 Ideas promoted by the OECD in the chemical sector 78
4.2.2 Tools developed by the OECD in the chemical sector 80
4.3 The effects of the OECD’s promotion of chemical safety ideas and tools in European law 83
4.3.1 The flow of regulatory science from the OECD to the European Union 84
4.3.2 A regulatory science that produces ignorance 85
4.4 Conclusion 88
4.5 References 89
Chapter 5 Fighting the Colorado Potato Beetle in Francoist Spain (1939–1953) 97
Jose Ramon Bertomeu Sanchez
5.1 Introduction 97
5.2 The technopolitics of pesticides 99
5.3 Autarky and arsenic pesticides 101
5.4 Controlling the Colorado beetle 102
5.4.1 The role of agronomists 104
5.4.2 Campaigns and resistance: the case of the Burgos province 106
5.5 The arrival of DDT 108
5.6 Controlling quality, neglecting risk 110
5.7 Conclusion 112
5.8 References 112
Chapter 6 From Pesticides to Thyroid Diseases: Media Coverage of a Nameless Problem 119
Estera Badau
6.1 Introduction 119
6.2 Thyroid diseases: publicization and media coverage 121
6.2.1 Perspectives from humanities and social sciences research on thyroid diseases 123
6.3 Methodology 124
6.3.1 Analytical corpus and methodological aspects 124
6.3.2 Analysis method 126
6.4 Results: thyroid-disrupting pesticides, a nameless public health problem 127
6.4.1 From the difficulty of naming reality… 127
6.4.2 …to denouncing conflicts of interest within European public authorities 131
6.5 Conclusion 135
6.6 References 137
Chapter 7 Discursive Strategies of a Sociotechnical Network: The Case of Natural Plant Defense Stimulators 141
Antoine Blanchard
7.1 Introduction 141
7.2 The role of SDNs in the field of plant protection 142
7.2.1 Discursive strategies at the service of a sociotechnical network 143
7.2.2 Discourse analysis method and corpus 145
7.2.3 A hegemonic term 145
7.3 Specificity of SDNs in areas of communication 146
7.3.1 Study of scientific literature (1994–2008) 146
7.3.2 Study of technical and marketing documentation (1997–2007) 148
7.3.3 Study of the trade press (1997–2007) 149
7.3.4 Study of the daily and weekly press (1997–2007) 151
7.3.5 Study of the popular press (1993–2007) 159
7.4 A discursive approach separate to that of biopesticides 160
7.5 Conclusion 162
7.5.1 Discourses to support the SDN sociotechnical network 162
7.5.2 A recent trend marked by the rise of biocontrol 163
7.6 References 164
Chapter 8 Circulation of Discourses and Counter-discourses about Pesticides on Social Networks 169
Albin Wagener
8.1 Introduction 169
8.2 A discursive analysis of corpora 170
8.3 Corpus and methodology 173
8.4 Analysis results 176
8.5 Pesticides, between food and agricultural production 184
8.6 A variety of positions 184
8.7 Main themes 187
8.8 Conclusion 188
8.9 References 189
List of Authors 193
Index 195