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Pets on Holiday : The Best Pet-friendly Accommodation, Activities and Cafes All Over Australia - Gareth Brock

Pets on Holiday

The Best Pet-friendly Accommodation, Activities and Cafes All Over Australia

By: Gareth Brock

Paperback | 1 February 2017

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It can be difficult to find pet-friendly places to enjoy a holiday in Australia. Enter Pets on Holiday: a handy, curated guide to Australia's most pet-inclusive destinations. This book features accommodation listings for every state and territory - from luxury cottages to budget-friendly caravan parks and campsites - each with concise information about the pet policies and perks you can expect when you arrive. Each listing features symbols that offer at-a-glance information about whether your pet needs to be vaccinated in order to stay, whether they are allowed on furniture - even if the accommodation offers treats.

The book offers guidance for travelling with your pet in every state, including prime destinations such as in the Blue Mountains in NSW, High Country Victoria, Margaret River in Western Australia, Darwin in the Northern Territory, the Gold Coast in Queensland, the Barossa Valley in South Australia, and East Coast Tasmania.For pet parents who are keen to find activities while on holidays that suit their pet, this guide also highlights each region's best places to eat, walk and play that are sure to please owners and pets alike.

About the Author

Gareth Brock is a frequent traveller and self-described 'pet parent' who often takes his beloved dog Ebony with him on his travels. In 2014 Gareth published his book Have Pet, Will Travel - The essential guide for travelling pet owners, which is full of advice to help pet owners travel worry free. Gareth also launched Pet Check-in, a website that helps pet owners find reputable care for their pets (while their owners have a holiday!) and also allows them to search, compare and book truly pet-friendly accommodation throughout Australia.

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