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Philosophy of Nursing : An Introduction : An Introduction - Steven Edwards

Philosophy of Nursing : An Introduction

An Introduction

By: Steven Edwards

Paperback | 1 June 2001 | Edition Number 1

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Philosophy of Nursing provides an introduction to a new and emergent area of study within nursing. The nature of the philosophy of nursing is explored and applied to three areas of enquiry central to nursing theory and practice: knowledge, persons and care. The idea of knowledge seems crucial because it appears to be important to base nursing interventions on what is known, rather than that which is merely believed. But what is the difference between these? Also, it is common, currently to distinguish between practical knowledge and theoretical knowledge but what is the relationship between the two? The conception of a person is unquestionably of fundamental relevance to nursing but are patients simply biological organisms? Should their treatment and care plans reflect this? What is to be made of the appeals to the idea of a patient as a 'narrative'? What role does caring have and what is 'ontological caring'? This stimulating text seeks to provide answers to all of these questions and to explain their relevance to nursing. Throughout key debates the author critically engages with the work of major nursing writers, and in particular with Benner and Wrubel, and Carper. In conclusion the discussion focuses on the nature of nursing, how this is best understood and why it is important. For the first time illuminating answers are supplied to the issues in nursing theory and practice upon which the very nature of such theory and practice depends.
Industry Reviews
' intellectually demanding, professionally challenging and rewarding as his previous work... relevant and informative.' - Peter Draper, Journal of Advanced Nursing

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