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Thomas Brown, [Charles] Villers, sur une Nouvelle Theorie de Cerveau [by Gall] Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal Vol. 2 (1803), pp. 147-60 | |
[Review of] An Account of the Life and Writings of Thomas Brown, Phrenological Journal, Vol. 2 (1824/25), pp. 308-21 | |
[Review of Drs C. H. Bischoff and C. W. Hufeland, 1805, Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 2 (1806), pp. 354-66 | |
John Bstock, [Review of Dr. Gall's New Theory, Monthly Review, Vol. 55 (1808), pp. 36-9 | |
J. G. Spurzheim, A View of the Philosophical Principles of Phrenology, 3rd ed. (London, 1824) | |
John Gordon, The Doctrines of Gall and Spurzheim, Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal Vol. 25 (1815), pp. 227-68 | |
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J. G. Spurzheim, Examination of the Objections Made...(Edinburgh, 1817), pp. 1-87 | |
P. M. Roget, Treatise on Physiology and Phrenology (Edinburgh, 1838), Vol. 1, pp. 5-93 | |
[Richard Poole] Essays on Phrenology [review of Roget's 'Cranioscopy' and G. Combe's Essays]' Edinburgh Monthly Review Vol. 3 (February 1820), pp. 123-45 | |
[George Combe] 'Cranioscopy, by Dr. Roget' Phrenological Journal, Vol. 1 (1823/24), pp. 165-76 | |
George Combe, Outlines of Phrenology, 3rd ed. (1824) | |
George Combe, Essays on Phrenology...and Objections Made Against It (Edinburgh, 1819), pp. 29-105, 398-421 | |
George Combe, Introductory Statement Phrenological Journal, Vol. 1 (1823/24), iii-xxxi | |
[Andrew Combe] Professor [Karl] Rudolphi and Phrenology, Phrenological Journal, Vol. 1 (1823/24), pp. 592-9 | |
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Francis Jeffrey, 'Phrenology' Edinburgh Review, Vol. 44 (September 1826), pp. 253-318 | |
George Combe, Letter from George Combe to Francis Jeffrey, Esq., In Answer to his Criticism on Phrenology contained in No. LXXXVIII of the Edinburgh Review (Edinburgh, 1826) | |
Anon, Sir William Hamilton and Phrenology (Edinburgh and London, 1826) | |
Sir William Hamilton, Correspondence Relative to Phrenology, Between Sir William Hamilton, Dr. Spurzheim, and Mr George Combe (Edinburgh and London, 1828) | |
Sir William Hamilton, Phrenology' in Appendix to his Lectures on Metaphysics and Logic, ed. H. L. Mansel and John Vetch, Vol. 1 (Edinburgh, 1865) | |
Anon, 'On the Frontal Sinus', Phrenological Journal, Vol. 1 (1823/24), pp. 292-6 | |
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Richard Chenevix 'Gall and Spurzheim - Phrenology' Foreign Quarterly Review, Vol. 2 (February 1828), pp. 1-59 | |
Thomas Stone, Observations on the Phronological Development of Burke, Hare and Other Atrocious Murderers..Presenting and Extensive Series of Facts Subversive of Phrenology (Edinburgh, 1829) | |
'Answer to Observations on the Phrenological Development of Burke, Hare, and other Atrocious Murderers' by Thomas Stone, Phrenological Journal, Vol. 6 (1829/30) pp. 1-14 | |
Thomas Stone, A Rejoiner to the Answer of Geoge Combe, Esq., to 'Observations on the Phrenological Development of Burke, Hare, and Other Atrocious Murderers' (Edinburgh, 1829) | |
Anon, 'Phrenology' Foreign Review and Continental Miscellany Vol. 4 (1829), pp. 263-91 | |
[George Combe] 'The Foreign Review on Phrenology' from Phrenological Journal, Vol 6 (1829/30), pp. 222-34 | |
James Montgomery, An Essay on the Phrenology of the Hindoos and Negroes by James Montgomery, together with Strictures Thereon by Corden Thompson (London, 1829) | |
William Godwin, 'Of Phrenology' from his Thoughts of Man(1831), pp. 357-75 | |
John Elliotson, 'Dr. Elliotson's Defense of Phrenology Against the Attacks of Mr. Godwin' Lancet(10 December 1831), pp. 357-64 | |
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George Combe, On Human Responsibili<$$$> | |
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