Dr. Hector Cruz has done Evangel University a remarkable service in his history of the university since its founding days. I know this story well, having written a book on Evangel's historical roots that date back to the early 20th century and led to its 1955 founding. Taking the baton from where I left off, Dr. Cruz has chronicled Evangel through a book well-researched, thoughtfully written and filled with lessons that transcend this one institution. As you read these pages, you will grasp not only a deeper appreciation for Evangel's leaders over the past 70 years through thick and thin, but you will draw from this historical narrative a broader understanding of the importance of faith-based higher education in the American religious landscape.
- Barry H. Corey, Ph.D.
President of Biola University
Author of Love Kindness: Discover the Power of a Forgotten Christian Virtue and Make the Most of It: A Guide to Loving Your College Years
Pioneering Spirit: Chronicles of Evangel College's First 25 Years: 1955-1980" is an excellent qualitative documentation of the early years of Evangel College. Dr. Hector Cruz capitalized on the people and practices that became the deeply rooted foundation of the university. In addition, Dr. Cruz brings to life some of the victories and challenges that made the pursuit of truth and
integration of faith and learning the time honored principles at the core of Evangel College then and Evangel University today.
- Dr. Jon Spence
Class of 1988, Chief Academic Officer
Dr. Cruz's research has resulted in an important, in-depth analysis of the formation of Evangel University. This resource chronicles the key steps - and a few missteps - taken during the first 25 years of Evangel's existence. He did a masterful job of researching and analyzing archived documents and oral histories, as well as his own surveys and interviews with a wide variety of people who lived, studied and worked at Evangel College during those early years.
- Mr. Paul K. Logsdon
Class of 1977, Public Relations Director 1988-2020
In this penetrating and fascinating tome, Dr. Hector Cruz presents the results of his intensive study of the leadership of Evangel College (now University). He studies the purposes of the first national university of the recently formed Assemblies of God in America (1955-1980), From Reverend Ralph Riggs to Presidents Dr. Klaude Kendrick, J. Robert Ashcroft, and Robert Spence, leadership labored to create a Pentecostal institution to rival Christian schools of recent advent.
Hector Cruz is an excellent scholar, carefully working with many strands of primary materials. He discovers many achievements. However, when he deals with occasional missteps, he treats these with great caution and wisdom. Much can be learned from a careful reading of this text.
I am delighted to endorse Cruz' work.
- Dr. Stanley M. Burgess
Evangel College Faculty 1959-1976
Today Evangel University is a very successful, thriving and forward-moving college that went through a rough start in the early 1950's. Hector did an excellent job showing how the paradigm of the Assemblies of God had to shift before embracing a vision of starting a private liberal arts college that would train young people to succeed in the secular world. After searching through archives, newspaper articles, quotes and writings of leaders from those years, he found a true picture of the struggles, sacrifices and determination many went through to bring Evangel University into existence. To make his findings complete, he interviewed and surveyed several alumni from those early years, resulting in an excellent assessment of how the college was finally established in 1955.
- Ms. Gloria Karmarkovic
Class of 1968, daughter of Dr. Alexander Kamarkovic