Plain-Speaking Jane : From high anxiety to not giving a toss -  a (mostly) fearless memoir  - Jane Caro

Plain-Speaking Jane

From high anxiety to not giving a toss - a (mostly) fearless memoir

By: Jane Caro

Paperback | 29 September 2015

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'At some point, I gave up trying to play it safe. I stopped trying to control the uncontrollable.' Jane Caro is known for saying what she thinks across the news and themselves as brands, and manage every moment accordingly, this is not just refreshing, it's, well, radical. Unafraid to apply that razor-sharp insight to her own life, Jane reveals that she was not a model child or a faultless parent, and she's a better person for it; that asking for help is a skill worth mastering; and that in her long and successful career in advertising, she was bullied by some of the wittiest men in Australia.

Jane also talks frankly about her battle with anxiety, offering assurance and hope to the one-in-three Australian women affected by the condition. Jane shows that anxiety is not a life sentence, and that on the other side lies the ultimate reward: the freedom to do as we please. Written with panache and wit, Plain-speaking Jane is an unflinchingly honest celebration of a perfectly imperfect life.

'Reading about anxiety usually makes me anxious. Not in this case though: only Jane Caro could convert anxiety into a triumph of the human condition. An honest, funny and gripping read. I could not love her more.' Annabel Crabb, author of The Wife Drought 'Jane has acquired insights and wisdom that she shares with candour and generous heart. She has confronted tough, testing times with courage and optimism.' Quentin Bryce AD CVO

About the Author

Jane Caro is an author, novelist, journalist, broadcaster, columnist, advertising writer and social commentator. She spent 30 years as an advertising writer and her creative work has won many national and international awards. She appears in the media regularly. Her 6-part ABC radio series, For Better, For Worse, is now being produced as a four-part TV series for ABC Compass. Jane has also appeared on The Drum, Q&A, The Project, Daily Edition, Mornings on 9, Studio 10 and Today. She writes regular monthly columns for Mt (Management Today) Magazine and the Sun Herald's Sunday Life. She is also in demand as a speaker, workshop facilitator and MC.

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