Preface xv
Acknowledgements xvii
1 Introduction to Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Plasma Medicine 1
1.1 Plasma medicine as a novel branch of medical technology 1
1.2 Why plasma can be a useful tool in medicine 4
1.3 Natural and man-made, completely and weakly ionized plasmas 5
1.4 Plasma as a non-equilibrium multi-temperature system 7
1.5 Gas discharges as plasma sources for biology and medicine 9
1.6 Plasma chemistry as the fundamental basis of plasma medicine 13
1.7 Non-thermal plasma interaction with cells and living tissues 14
1.8 Applied plasma medicine 15
2 Fundamentals of Plasma Physics and Plasma Chemistry for Biological and Medical Applications 19
2.1 Elementary plasma generation processes 19
2.2 Excited species in plasma medicine: Excitation, relaxation and dissociation of neutral particles in plasma 31
2.3 Elementary plasma-chemical reactions of excited neutrals and ions 39
2.4 Plasma statistics, thermodynamics, and transfer processes 46
2.5 Plasma kinetics: Energy distribution functions of electrons and excited atoms and molecules 58
2.6 Plasma electrodynamics 68
3 Selected Concepts in Biology and Medicine for Physical Scientists 81
3.1 Molecular basis of life: Organic molecules primer 81
3.2 Function and classification of living forms 96
3.3 Cells: Organization and functions 97
3.4 Overview of anatomy and physiology 124
4 Major Plasma Disharges and their Applicability for Plasma Medicine 165
4.1 Electric breakdown and steady-state regimes of non-equilibrium plasma discharges 165
4.2 Glow discharge and its application to biology and medicine 177
4.3 Arc discharge and its medical applications 191
4.4 Radio-frequency and microwave discharges in plasma medicine 208
4.5 Coronas, DBDs, plasma jets, sparks and other non-thermal atmospheric-pressure streamer discharges 232
4.6 Discharges in liquids 253
5 Mechanisms of Plasma Interactions with Cells 269
5.1 Main interaction stages and key players 269
5.2 Role of plasma electrons and ions 272
5.3 Role of UV, hydrogen peroxide, ozone and water 276
5.4 Biological mechanisms of plasma interaction for mammalian cells 281
6 Plasma Sterilization of Different Surfaces and Living Tissues 293
6.1 Non-thermal plasma surface sterilization at low pressures 293
6.2 Surface microorganism inactivation by non-equilibrium high-pressure plasma 295
6.3 Plasma species and factors active for sterilization 304
6.4 Physical and biochemical effects of atmospheric-pressure air plasma on microorganisms 313
6.5 Animal and human living tissue sterilization 320
6.6 Generated active species and plasma sterilization of living tissues 324
6.7 Deactivation/destruction of microorganisms due to plasma sterilization: Are they dead or just scared to death? 329
7 Plasma Decontamination ofWater and Air Streams 339
7.1 Non-thermal plasma sterilization of air streams 339
7.2 Direct and indirect effects in non-thermal plasma deactivation of airborne bacteria 347
7.3 Non-thermal plasma in air-decontamination: Air cleaning from SO2 and NOx 353
7.4 Non-thermal plasma decontamination of air from volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions 361
7.5 Plasma desinfection and sterilization of water 378
8 Plasma Treatment of Blood 389
8.1 Plasma-assisted blood coagulation 389
8.2 Effect of non-thermal plasma on improvement of rheological properties of blood 395
9 Plasma-assisted Healing and Treatment of Diseases 403
9.1 Wound healing and plasma treatment of wounds 403
9.2 Treatment of inflammatory dysfunctions 418
9.3 Plasma treatment of cancer 422
9.4 Plasma applications in dentistry 428
9.5 Plasma surgery 433
10 Plasma Pharmacology 435
10.1 Non-thermal plasma treatment of water 435
10.2 Deionized water treatment with DBD in different gases: Experimental setup 436
10.3 Deionized water treatment with DBD in different gases: Results and discussion 438
10.4 Enhanced antimicrobial effect due to organic components dissolved in water 442
10.5 Summary 446
11 Plasma-assisted Tissue Engineering and Plasma Processing of Polymers 447
11.1 Regulation of biological properties of medical polymer materials 447
11.2 Plasma-assisted cell attachment and proliferation on polymer scaffolds 448
11.3 Plasma-assisted tissue engineering in control of stem cells and tissue regeneration 451
11.4 Plasma-chemical polymerization of hydrocarbons and formation of thin polymer films 453
11.5 Interaction of non-thermal plasma with polymer surfaces 461
References 483
Index 497