Poisoned Planet - Julian Cribb

Poisoned Planet

By: Julian Cribb

Paperback | 1 June 2014 | Edition Number 1

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From morning to night, we are surrounded by man-made chemicals, most of them untested, many of them toxic. It's the price we pay for convenient, cheap products. The effects on our health are just now becoming known. In this wake up call for all consumers, Julian Cribb argues that we cannot rely on governments or industry to clean up the mess: it's up to us to repair our poisoned planet.

We want things to be cheap, convenient and useful. Our food arrives contaminated with pesticides and wastes, wrapped in plastic made of hormone-disrupting chemicals. We bathe and dress our children in petrochemicals. Even our coffee contains miniscule traces of arsenic, cup by cup adding to the toxins accumulating in our bodies.

Man-made chemicals are creating a silent epidemic. Our children are sicker; cancer, obesity, allergies and mental health issues are on the rise in adults; and frighteningly, we may be less intelligent than previous generations.

A poisoned planet is the price we pay for our lifestyle, but Julian Cribb shows we have the tools to clean it up and create a healthier, safer future for us all.

About the Author

Julian Cribb is a distinguished science writer with more than thirty awards for journalism. He was a newspaper editor, founder of the influential ScienceAlert website and author of eight books, including The Coming Famine.
Industry Reviews
"We have used the biosphere--air, water and soil--as a dump for toxic compounds as if somehow we can remain healthy on an unhealthy planet. It is a tragic illusion as Julian Cribb's Poisoned Planet so urgently warns us." --David Suzuki, author, The Sacred Balance
"If you care about your children, read this book." --Paul R. Ehrlich, author, Human Natures

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