Preface. Part One: How to Establish and Run a PET Center? 1. Planning a Proposal for a PET Centre; A. Holley. 2. The Use and Registration of PET Radiopharmaceuticals. European and World Trends; G.-J. Meyer. 3. FDG Distribution - A New Market Trend; S.R. Lindback. 4. Status of Clinical PET in the USA and the Role and Activities of the Institute for Clinical PET; P.D. Shreve. Part Two: PET: Novel Methodological Approaches. 5. Recent Trends in PET Camera Designs; D.L. Bailey. 6. Strategies for Radioligand Development: Peptides for Tumor Targeting; G. Stocklin, H.-J. Wester. 7. Development of PET Radioligands for the Quantitation of Serotonin Receptors in the Human Brain; C. Halldin, et al. 8. The Renin- Angiotensin System; Z. Szabo. 9. Membrane Transporters; Z. Szabo. 10. A Deformable High Resolution Anatomic Reference for PET Activation Studies; A.W. Toga. 11. Registration: A Powerful Tool to Combine Information Provided by Different Imaging Modalities; M. Emri, et al. 12. Quantification of FDG Uptake Using Kinetic Models; L. Balkay, et al. 13. Cavinton Affects the Kinetic Constants of FDG Accumulation: An Application of Registration and Kinetic Modelling; L. Tron, et al. 14. Whole Body Scanning; M. Dahlbom. Part Three: PET in Oncology. 15. Positron Emission Tomography in Oncology. In Vivo Measurements of Protein Synthesis in Tumors; A.M.J. Paans, et al. 16. Diagnosis Differential Diagnosis, and Follow-Up of Tumors by Means of FDG PET; O. Esik, et al. 17. Clinical Application of Whole-Body [18]-FDG-PET in Malignant Melanoma; H.C. Steinert. 18. Evaluation of Metastatic Lymph Nodes by Means of FDG PET; J. Lovey, et al. 19. Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis, and Follow-Up of Intracranial Tumors with PET; K. Borbely. Part Four: PET in Neurology and Psychiatry. 20. PET Studies in Neuropharmacology. Novel Approaches; D.J. Brooks. 21. PET Studies of the Dopamine Hypotheses in Schizophrenia; A.-L. Nordstrom. 22. PET and Epilepsy in Adults; I. Savic. 23. Mapping Cerebral Responses to Volatile Anesthetics in Humans; F. Gyulai. 24. The Effect of a Single-Dose Intravenous Vinpocetine on Chronic Stroke Patients. A PET Study; B. Gulyas, et al. 25. Coupling Between Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism in the Primate: Methodological and Pharmacological Issues; P. Schumann, E.T. MacKenzie. Part Five: PET in Neuroscience Research. 26. BrainMap(t): Electronic Integration of Mind and Brain; P.T. Fox, J.L. Lancaster. 27. Designing Activation Experiments; K.J. Friston, et al. 28. The Human Motor System: Principles Versus Plasticity; R.J. Seitz, et al. 29. Area Borders in Human Visual Cortex: An Integrated PET and Cytoarchitectonic Study; B. Gulyas, et al. 30. Activation of the Visual Ventral Stream in Humans: An fMRI Study; N.J. Shah, et al. 31. PET and fMRI Studies of Cerebellar Function in Sensation, Perception, and Cognition; L.M. Parsons, P.T. Fox. 32. How to Use Neuroimaging to Study Visual Attention; M. Corbetta. 33. Characterising Selective Attention with Positron Emission Tomography. Neurophysiological Investigations; G. Rees, et al. Part Six: Appendix. 34. PET Centers and PET Projects in Central and Eastern Europe; B. Gulyas, et al. 35. PET Centres Around the World; compiled by B. Gulyas. 36. List of Contributors. 37. Index.