Pregnancy Loss : Surviving Miscarriage and Stillbirth - Zoe Taylor

Pregnancy Loss : Surviving Miscarriage and Stillbirth

By: Zoe Taylor

Paperback | 1 February 2010

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When a pregnancy fails, grieving parents often wonder why no one mentioned it could happen. Yet one in every four women will experience miscarriage or stillbirth.

Mother of two and journalist Zoe Taylor has survived repeated pregnancy losses. In this book, she shines a light on every aspect of this topic:

The experience of pregnancy loss and the desire for answers
What experts know about causes and risk factors, and new areas of research
Strategies for facing a world that poorly understands pregnancy loss
Trying again; pregnancy after a loss
Deciding to stop trying
Tips on how to support people going through pregnancy loss

Pregnancy Loss: Surviving Miscarriage and Stillbirth is a book of courage, hope and survival. It will help all people touched by loss, including parents, partners, friends, family, researchers, doctors and carers.

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