Your choice to give birth by caesarean may have been influenced by any number of decisions. No matter which reasons have led you to make this informed choice, you know, that even though this may not have been what you wanted or expected, this is still an act of giving birth and as such will still a be beautiful and important moment. By choosing the Natal Hypnotherapy range you have made another choice to prepare your self emotionally, physically and mentally to give birth by caesarean. By preparing effectively, it will help you have an easier, more relaxed and comfortable caesarean birth and a more rapid recovery. Simply by listening to this CD you giving yourself permission to relax and to feel excited about the forthcoming birth, allowing yourself to expect a positive, good birth experience. The CD takes you through a deep relaxation and then on to a guided visualisation through giving birth by caesarean. It focuses on increasing your confidence, courage, and sense of control, ability to communicate effectively and to make decisions in a clear, calm way.
The CD also provides the same relaxation and pain management techniques used in the birth preparation CD, helping you to manage sensations after the caesarean. Benefits of listening to the "Prepare for a Caesarean CD" include: being at ease with having a caesarean; feeling positive about giving birth by caesarean; overcoming any fears; being relaxed, calm and confident; an increase in the bonding with your baby; and, having a speedy recovery. When to listen to the "Prepare for a Caesarean CD"? The CD can be listened to from 32 weeks onwards, 2-3 times per week, from 37 weeks daily. How the "Prepare for a Caesarean CD" works? The CD enables you to develop deep relaxation & visualisation skills and helps you to become more emotionally, mentally and physically prepared for your forthcoming birth. The CD also provides the same relaxation and pain management techniques used in the birth preparation CD, helping you to stay calm, relaxed and comfortable before, during and after the caesarean.
Industry Reviews
Ilse DeKoeyer_Laros University of Utah Hospital 12th October 2005 Listened to the Prepare for a caesarean CD 15+ times My pregnancy was one of the best experiences of my life. I don't think I've ever felt so good before! But, because I had had uterine surgery before, I was told early in my pregnancy that I needed to have a Caesarean. I've always been a strong proponent of unmedicated, natural births, so I was disappointed at first. I asked my doctors at least three times whether I really could not have a vaginal birth. But, no, the risk of uterine rupture was too great, and this would have gravely endangered my baby and myself. So after my initial resistance, I realized I needed to have a C-section to ensure a safe birth. Knowing this, however, I still realized that it would be very important to mentally prepare for this experience. I started to look (online) for tapes or CDs focused on this purpose. This is how I found your CDs and I was happy to see you offered one specifically for C-sections. I think I started to use it around week 28 (but I could be wrong). My Ob/Gyn recommended that I have the baby around 36 or 37 weeks, to reduce the risk of contractions and uterine rupture. For a period of about two months, I listened to the CD at least once a week. I used the CD when I really wanted to relax my pregnant body, and to feel secure with myself and my pregnancy. I also listened to the CD at times when I had a hard time sleeping (later in the pregnancy) and it helped me calm down enough to sleep, or at least relax profoundly. When the scheduled day of birth was there, we first had an ultrasound and amniocentesis to ensure that the baby's lungs were mature. They were! So immediately after, I was prepared for the surgery. We were delayed an hour or so because we had to wait for some test results, but the waiting time was still enjoyable because of the presence of my good friend, and my husband. We played the CD and Chopin to relax us. When I finally lay on the operating table, the sensation of being numb from my arms down was pretty scary. I tried to breathe calmly but that was hard, too, because I needed a breathing mask. What calmed me most was my husband's voice repeating the healing statements from the CD. He kept repeating these statements until we heard our beautiful son crying and saw him rise above the screen!" Hannah Drewell October 17th 2005 Listened to the Birth preparation CD and then the Prepare for a caesarean CD "I have been meaning to send you a quick message for months! I did have to have a CS in the end as my son remained in breech position. Just to let you know the CD proved really very useful and I had a really really positive birth experience, we played the music during the birth and my son (now almost 19 weeks) Xavier was born on 17th October, he is a wonderful, healthy, relaxed and happy baby and we are having a great time! Thanks again, Hannah."