Introduce the latest technology and developments with the book specifically oriented to the needs of information systems students:
Principles of Information Security, 6E. Taking a managerial approach, this market-leading introductory book emphasizes all the aspects of information security -- not just the technical control perspective. Students gain a broad overview of the entire field of information security and related elements with the detail to ensure understanding. Students review terms used in the field, a history of the discipline, and an overview of how to manage an information security program. Current and relevant, this edition highlights the latest practices with fresh examples that explore the impact of emerging technologies, such as the Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, and DevOps. Updates address technical security controls, emerging legislative issues, digital forensics, and ethical issues in IS security, making it ideal for business decision-makers.
New to this Edition
- COMPLETELY UP TO DATE CONTENT REFLECTS THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS FROM THE FIELD. Your students examine new innovations in technology and methodologies with this edition’s updated examples and references. This edition ensures you are able to present the most current coverage of emerging issues available.
- REFINED TERMS AND GREATER IN-DEPTH CONTENT ON INFORMATION SECURITY THREATS INCREASE THIS EDITION’S RELEVANCE. Updated definitions and timely context of key terminology ensures a contemporary understanding and logical flow of the text. In addition, refined coverage of threats and attacks with added insights and depth on threat levels and severities and reorganized coverage of attacks against information systems prepares students for security challenges.
- UPDATED MATERIAL PREVIEWS THE LATEST IN TECHNICAL SECURITY CONTROLS. Students examine how today’s control environment continues its migration to an environment with less emphasis on the network perimeter and more reliance on Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things.
About the Authors
Michael E. Whitman
Michael Whitman, Ph.D., CISM, CISSP, is Professor of Information Security at Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia. He also serves as the Executive Director of the Center for Information Security Education, Coles College of Business. In 2004, 2007, 2012 and 2015, under his direction the Center for Information Security Education spearheaded KSU’s successful bid for the prestigious National Center of Academic Excellence recognitions (CAE/IAE and CAE IA/CDE), awarded jointly by the Department of Homeland Security and the National Security Agency. Dr. Whitman is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cybersecurity Education, Research and Practice, and is Director of the Southeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition. Dr. Whitman is an active researcher and author in Information Security Policy, Threats, Curriculum Development, and Ethical Computing. He currently teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in Information Security. Dr. Whitman has several information security textbooks currently in print, including PRINCIPLES OF INFORMATION SECURITY; MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SECURITY; READINGS AND CASES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SECURITY, VOLUMES I AND II; THE HANDS-ON INFORMATION SECURITY LAB MANUAL; PRINCIPLES OF INCIDENT RESPONSE AND DISASTER RECOVERY; and THE GUIDE TO NETWORK SECURITY AND THE GUIDE TO FIREWALLS AND NETWORK SECURITY. He has published articles in Information Systems Research, the Communications of the ACM, the Journal of International Business Studies, Information and Management, and the Journal of Computer Information Systems. Dr. Whitman is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery, the Information Systems Security Association, ISACA and the Association for Information Systems. Previously, Dr. Whitman served the U.S. Army as an Automated Data Processing System Security Officer (ADPSSO).
Herbert J. Mattord
Herbert Mattord, Ph.D., CISM, CISSP, completed 24 years of IT industry experience as an application developer, database administrator, project manager, and information security practitioner before joining the faculty at Kennesaw State University, where he is Assistant Chair of the Department of Information Systems and Associate Professor of Information Security and Assurance program. Dr. Mattord currently teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in Information Security and Assurance as well as Information Systems. He and Michael Whitman have authored PRINCIPLES OF INFORMATION SECURITY, MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SECURITY, READINGS AND CASES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SECURITY, PRINCIPLES OF INCIDENT RESPONSE AND DISASTER RECOVERY, THE GUIDE TO NETWORK SECURITY, and THE HANDS-ON INFORMATION SECURITY LAB MANUAL, Dr. Mattord is an active researcher, author, and consultant in Information Security Management and related topics. He has published articles in the Information Resources Management Journal, Journal of Information Security Education, the Journal of Executive Education, and the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking. Dr. Mattord is a member of the Information Systems Security Association, ISACA, and the Association for Information Systems. During his career as an IT practitioner, Dr. Mattord was an adjunct professor at Kennesaw State University, Southern Polytechnic State University in Marietta, Georgia, Austin Community College in Austin, Texas, and Texas State University: San Marcos. He was formerly the Manager of Corporate Information Technology Security at Georgia-Pacific Corporation, where he acquired much of the practical knowledge found in this and his other textbooks.