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Prisoner Cell Block H : Volume 3 - Episodes 65 - 96 - Betty Bobbitt

Prisoner Cell Block H

Volume 3 - Episodes 65 - 96

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When the gate slams shut you're on your own. Stand on the white line! Look forward to kitchen duty working the press buy ups in the Rec Room - join the inmates of Wentworth Detention Centre for a reality check...

Prisoner Cell Block H aired for 8 years from 1979 for an incredible 692 episodes.

It was one of the most watched Australian soaps ever at home and around the world. Made by Grundy Prisoner was the first Australian show to tackle issues such as rape homosexuality murder and violence.

This DVD encompasses episodes 65-96 of this iconic show.

Cast: Betty Bobbitt, Elspeth Ballantyne, Kerry Armstrong, Rod Hardy, Sheila Florance, Val Lehman

Total Running Time : 1484 minutes

8 DVD Set

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