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Protection of Employee Entitlements in Insolvency : An Australian Perspective - Helen Anderson

Protection of Employee Entitlements in Insolvency

An Australian Perspective

By: Helen Anderson

Hardcover | 18 July 2014 | Edition Number 1

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Investigates ways to safeguard employee entitlements that are lost through the improper behaviour of directors

The Protection of Employee Entitlements in Insolvency- An Australian Perspective is the first detailed analysis of the law and policy dealing with employee entitlements such as wages, leave and redundancy payments that are threatened when companies fail. Although Australia has a government-funded safety-net scheme, currently known as the Fair Entitlements Guarantee, it doesn't cover all lost entitlements for all workers. Some argue that the scheme removes any incentive for companies to make adequate provision for their employees' entitlements, increasing the burden on the taxpayer.

As well as investigating ways to safeguard the entitlements of employees that are presently lost through the improper behaviour of directors, The Protection of Employee Entitlements in Insolvency covers the history of Australia's present system and comprehensively sets out the avenues available to assist employees to recover their entitlements. It also canvases what might be done in the future to improve the protection of employee entitlements in Australia when companies become insolvent.

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