Denise Austin's Ultimate Pregnancy Book : How to Stay Fit and Healthy Through the Nine Months--and Shape Up After Baby - Denise Austin

Denise Austin's Ultimate Pregnancy Book

How to Stay Fit and Healthy Through the Nine Months--and Shape Up After Baby

By: Denise Austin

Paperback | 11 May 1999

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You're pregnant And excited, yet at the same time wondering:

* How can I combat morning sickness?

* How can I exercise if I have no energy?

* How do I control my weight when I'm eating for two?

* How long will it take me to get back into shape after delivery?

* How can I flatten my tummy after baby?

Luckily, Denise Austin, America's favorite fitness expert, has "been there, done that," and shares her very personal pregnancy routines, including what she ate, how she exercised, and how she maintained a great attitude along the way. Think of her as your very own pregnancy coach, and in "Denise Austin's Ultimate Pregnancy Book, " she breaks down each trimester and includes a special bonus section on how to shape up after baby. Using real stories and queries from her fans, Austin addresses all your questions and eases your concerns in her own inimitable style. Just remember, no matter what month you're in, you can do it

Industry Reviews
Chicago Tribune Denise Austin probably could motivate a statue. Her nonstop encouragement and exercise expertise form the perfect combination.

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