An Englishman a la Campagne : Life in Deepest France - Michael Sadler

An Englishman a la Campagne

Life in Deepest France

By: Michael Sadler

Paperback | 6 June 2005 | Edition Number 1

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The Parisien now wants to be a paysan, but it's easier said than done . . . How do you plant leeks in cement-hard French soil, impress Gallic neighbours with your non-existent gardening credentials and survive a seven-hour celebratory communion lunch (followed by dinner)? What skills are required to cope with suicidal French mice (souricide?), resist the advances of an attractive but desperate lady cheese-maker during an English lesson, buy wine from Mr Grump the grower, and -- last but not least -- stoop so low as to snap up the plastic trophy in the annual garden competition? AN ENGLISHMAN A LA CAMPAGNE is a wonderfully warm and witty follow-up to the author's account of his first year living in Paris. Now broadening his affectionate embrace to include the myriad facets of the French countryside, Sadler makes you laugh, makes you think, and makes you love the place . . . even Donges, which won first prize in his competition for the grottiest village in France.
Industry Reviews
"Sadler is English. Those around him are country French, and they are not impressed. He has just moved into a farm in the Loire valley. While the cottage is passable, the garden is an Amazonia of six-foot-high lettuces. But Sadler has eyes on winning the village garden contest to prove his worthiness among the august peasantry. Sadler is far happier savoring the food and wine, or serving as a foil to the natives--he knows when taking a poke in the eye is worth it to get two slaps on the back...He attends a ribald communion lunch. He starts a perverse search for an ugly village in this region of blowsy charm. He decides to triumph in the garden contest by growing sexy vegetables like John Malkovich (don't ask). The English take on the French: formidably droll with a touch of the wacko." --"Kirkus Reviews"

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