The Damned : Crusade Series : Book 2 - Nancy Holder

The Damned

Crusade Series : Book 2

By: Nancy Holder, Debbie Viguie

Paperback | 1 November 2011

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The Salamancan hunters are at war, and Jenn Leitner, the newly appointed Hunter, must lead the Salamancan hunters into battle against the Cursed Ones. But tensions are running high, and heated arguments threaten to fracture the group, especially after the hunters discovered that Jenn's sister, Heather, has been converted.

Struggling to balance leadership and being the Hunter with her desire for revenge against the vampire who converted her sister, Jenn tries hard to over come any personal vendettas as she prepares for battle. But with her beloved Antonio spending every waking moment with her newly-turned vampire sister, and the rest of her team fighting among themselves, Jenn finds her inner strength and trust wavering.

And as the Cursed Ones and other sinister powers continue to rage war against humanity, Jenn will learn, along with the rest of the Salamancan hunters, that it is always darkest before dawn...

About the Authors

Nancy Holder lives in San Diego with her young daughter Belle. She is a four-time Bram Stoker award winner for her work in supernatural fiction and the author of several Buffy and Angel bestsellers.

Debbie ViguiÉ holds a degree in creative writing from UC Davis and has written several books for teens, including the Wicked series with Nancy Holder. She currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband Scott.
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Other Books By Nancy Holder

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Damned : Crusade Series : Book 2 - Nancy Holder
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On Fire : A Teen Wolf Novel - Nancy Holder
Witch & Curse : Wicked Series : Book 1 & 2 - Nancy Holder
Crusade : aka The Cursed Ones - Nancy Holder
Vanquished : Crusade - Nancy Holder


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RRP $45.00

