Untold - Sarah Rees Brennan


By: Sarah Rees Brennan

Paperback | 1 September 2013

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In this second book in the Lynburn Legacy, the sorcerous roots of Sorry-in-the-Vale have been exposed. Now no one in the town is safe, and everyone has to choose sides. Will the townspeople (magical and not) become "owned" by the sorcerers who believe it is their right to rule? Or will it continue in a more modern vein, with the presence of the sorcerers playing a quieter--and much less violent--role. If Kami Glass has anything to say about it, evil will not win. Despite having given up her own piece of magic, she is determined to do everything she can to make a difference. And whether they want to or not, her circle of friends (and potential boyfriends) will not be able to help but follow her and go along with her unusual schemes and battle tactics.

About the Author

Sarah Rees Brennan is Irish and currently lives in Dublin. For a short stint, she lived in New York and became involved with a wide circle of writers who encouraged and supported her, including Holly Black and Cassandra Clare. She has developed a wide audience through her popular blog, mistful.livejournal.com, where she writes movie parodies, book reviews and some stories.

The Lynburn Legacy