Honey in His Mouth : A Hard Case Crime Novel - Lester Dent

Honey in His Mouth

A Hard Case Crime Novel

By: Lester Dent

Paperback | 24 June 2011

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What would you do if you were a dead ringer for a dictator? If you were small-time grifter Walter Harsh, recovering in a hospital with a broken arm, you'd listen to a proposition that could net you a cool $50,000 for impersonating the South American strongman you resemble. You'd pay attention when the dictator's sultry mistress started putting the moves on you. And in the dead of night, when no one was watching, you might just hatch a plot to get it all for yourself: the money, the girl, and the stash of stolen loot she's conspiring to spirit out of the country...

About the Author

Lester Dent created the pulp hero "Doc Savage" in 1933 and wrote more than 180 novels starring the famous Man of Bronze. Dent also wrote for the seminal pulp Black Mask, which also published Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett, as well as authoring the hardboiled "Chance Malloy" crime novels for Doubleday and penning scripts for the Scotland Yard radio drama.

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