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The Divining Heart : Dowsing and Spiritual Unfoldment - Patricia C. Wright

The Divining Heart

Dowsing and Spiritual Unfoldment

By: Patricia C. Wright, Richard D. Wright

Paperback | 7 January 1994

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Building on the principles and practices presented in The Divining Mind (Richard Wright's first book on dowsing, coauthored by T. Edward Ross II), authors Richard and Pat Wright define dowsing as the "process of uncovering information through the medium of the self." The Wrights believe, as do many dowsers, that the ability to dowse is innate, but they also feel that its proper development is contingent upon the parallel unfoldment of the spiritual qualities in our nature. Through this process, the dowser becomes increasingly cognizant of the interconnectedness of all aspects of life and begins to play his or her part as an agent of healing and positive change.

Includes detailed information on:

• Responsibility in dowsing

• Practical dowsing

• Earth energies

• Planetary stewardship

• Healing and prayer

• The supersensory worlds

An indispensable guide for the advanced dowser as well as a beginner's sourcebook.
Industry Reviews
"Differing from other books of this kind,The Divining Heart gives definite and specific suggestions and directions for finding our way to the center of quietness and power, and provides us with the safeguards that will keep us secure in an uncertain future."

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