Primal Awareness : A True Story of Survival, Transformation, and Awakening with the Raramuri Shamans of Mexico - Don Trent Jacobs

Primal Awareness

A True Story of Survival, Transformation, and Awakening with the Raramuri Shamans of Mexico

By: Don Trent Jacobs

Paperback | 9 January 1998

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The remarkable story of one man's rediscovery of his primordial mandate and of the strange journey that took him there

• Explores the innate knowledge that exists within us all, a "primal awareness," that can help us to live in harmony with our world

• Shows how we can rediscover this unseeable realm

In 1983, caught in a violent rainstorm while kayaking the Rio Urique in Mexico's Copper Canyon, Don Trent Jacobs was swept into an impassable catacomb of underwater tunnels toward what he believed was certain death. But instead of panic, Jacobs found himself filled with a strange consciousness that left him feeling at peace and invigorated with a confidence he had never before known. Moments later he was spit from the tunnel alive--not at the end of his journey, but only at its beginning.

Primal Awareness tells the story of Don Trent Jacobs's remarkable vision of the human mind and heart and the compelling spiritual quest that brought him to it. Through his experiences with the Raramuri people of Mexico and his research of other indigenous societies, Jacobs identifies what he calls our "primal awareness," an innate knowledge that exists within us all. Jacobs shows how we can rediscover this primordial mandate that unites all things and that helps us to find our own inner strength an harmony.
Industry Reviews
"Primal Awareness is a great book. Equal in effect to Carlos Castaneda's writings, it challenges our thinking in a way that reveals the true magnificence of human potential."

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