The Essence of Yoga : Essays on the Development of Yogic Philosophy from the Vedas to Modern Times - Georg Feuerstein

The Essence of Yoga

Essays on the Development of Yogic Philosophy from the Vedas to Modern Times

By: Georg Feuerstein, Jeanine Miller

Paperback | 8 January 2000

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A collection of classic essays by two highly regarded scholars on the development of yoga and its rapport with other religious traditions.

Georg Feuerstein, one of the world's foremost scholars of yoga, and Jeanine Miller, long recognized for her insightful commentaries on the RgVeda, here pool their considerable talents in a look at the development of yogic thought across the ages and its similarities with the Christian mysticism of Meister Eckhart. Two of their essays included here?one concerning the essence of yoga and the other looking at the meaning of suffering in yoga?have long been singled out by indologists for correcting prevalent misconceptions and providing a conceptual framework for many of the subsequent studies in that field. The reprinting of these important essays in "The Essence of Yoga" gives new readers a chance to share some of the authors' earliest insights into yoga and their deep conviction that these discoveries are of the highest significance for a proper understanding of the human condition.

Industry Reviews
"Feuerstein's voice is sane and solid, careful and compassionate, and yet he always sheds new light and understanding on even the most mundane of topics."

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