The World Dream Book : Use the Wisdom of World Cultures to Uncover Your Dream Power - Sarvananda Bluestone

The World Dream Book

Use the Wisdom of World Cultures to Uncover Your Dream Power

By: Sarvananda Bluestone

Paperback | 12 January 2002

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A unique self-help guide to dream interpretation using techniques and icons from cultures around the world.

- Challenges the assumption that all symbols universally signify the same thing to all dreamers.

- Includes numerous stories, games, and exercises for inducing, recalling, interpreting, and utilizing dreams.

- Extends beyond Jung and Freud to include dream theory from numerous world cultures, including the Temiar of Malaya, the African Ibans, the Lepchka of the Himalayas, and the Ute of North America.

Dreaming can be used as a tool for understanding our own consciousness, enhancing creativity, receiving visions, conquering fears, interpreting recent events, healing the body, and evolving the soul. Tapping into the vast dreaming experiences and lore of the world's cultures--from the Siwa people of the Libyan desert to the Naskapi Indians of Labrador--Sarvananda Bluestone challenges the assumption that all symbols universally signify the same thing to all dreamers. "The World Dream Book" encourages readers to develop their own, personalized symbols for understanding their consciousness and provides a series of stories, multicultural techniques, and games to help them do so.

Playful explorations, such as the aboriginal "Sipping the Water of the Moon," teach how to induce, recall, interpret, and utilize the power of dreams. Readers will discover how a stone under a pillow can help us remember a dream and will explore their own dormant artist and writer as they reclaim the power of their sleeping consciousness. Sarvananda Bluestone applies his uniquely engaging style to demonstrate that, with a few simple tools, everybody has the capacity to unleash their full dreaming potential.

Industry Reviews
". . . finally a writer has come along who recognizes the role world cultures play in accurately accessing dream significance."

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