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A Brief History of India : No - Alain Daniélou

A Brief History of India

By: Alain Daniélou, Kenneth F. Hurry (Translator)

Hardcover | 11 February 2003

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Daniélou's powerful rebuttal to the conventional view of India's history, which calls for a massive reevaluation of the history of humanity

• Explores historical occurrences from each major time period starting with the first appearance of man 30,000 years ago

• Couples the clarity and perspective of an outsider with the unique and specific knowledge of an insider

• By the internationally recognized Hindu scholar and translator of The Complete Kama Sutra (200,000 copies sold)

Alain Daniélou approaches the history of India from a new perspective--as a sympathetic outsider, yet one who understands the deepest workings of the culture. Because the history of India covers such a long span of time, rather than try to create an exhaustive chronology of dates and events, Daniélou instead focuses on enduring institutions that remain constant despite the ephemeral historical events that occur. His selections, synthesis, and narration create a thoroughly engaging and readable journey through time, with a level of detail and comprehensiveness that is truly a marvel.

Because of the continuity of its civilization, its unique social system, and the tremendous diversity of cultures, races, languages, and religions that exist in its vast territory, India is like a history museum. Its diverse groups maintained their separate identities and never fully supplanted the culture and knowledge of their predecessors. Even today one may encounter in India primitive Stone Age people whose technology has remained at what is considered prehistoric levels. Thus Daniélou's examination of India reveals not only the diversity and historical events and trends of that country, but also the history of all mankind. Through Daniélou's history of India we learn from whence we came, what we have discovered over the years in the fields of science, arts, technology, social structures, religions, and philosophical concepts, and what the future may hold for us.
Industry Reviews
"Our debt to Daniélou's scholarship and humanity is immeasurable."

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