Qigong Teachings of a Taoist Immortal : The Eight Essential Exercises of Master Li Ching-yun - Stuart Alve Olson

Qigong Teachings of a Taoist Immortal

The Eight Essential Exercises of Master Li Ching-yun

By: Stuart Alve Olson

Paperback | 1 January 2002

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The first English translation of Master Li Ching-yun's teachings on the Eight Brocades, the central practice of qigong.

• Explains the physical and spiritual benefits of the Eight Brocades and offers step-by-step instructions for this powerful sequence of postures.

• 85 illustrations highlight the postures and philosophies.

• Author's commentary provides insight and depth to the original translation.

Throughout history Taoists have promoted the development and restoration of the Three Treasures-- body, breath, and spirit--through the gentle practice of qigong. At the center of the qigong practice are the Eight Brocades, a series of postures that developed during the 3,000-year Taoist quest for longevity and vitality. Now qigong expert Stuart Olson translates into English Master Li Ching-yun's treasured teachings on the Eight Brocades. One of the most famous qigong masters of this century, Master Li Ching-yun is reliably chronicled to have lived more than 250 years, during which he practiced the Eight Brocades on a daily basis. His longevity and personal endorsements attest to and validate the Eight Brocades as the quintessence of Taoist health and qigong practices.

With Master Li Ching-yun's original teachings as a guide, Stuart Olson presents an authentic yet accessible approach to this unique practice. Each exercise is accompanied by original text from Master Li, step-by-step instructions for each posture, illustrations of the positions, and insights on theory and practice. Because the Eight Brocades are the foundation of all qigong, this book provides valuable advice for all practitioners, regardless of the style they practice or the depth of their experience.

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