Travel Without Tears : 645 ways for families to take on the world - Sally Webb

Travel Without Tears

645 ways for families to take on the world

By: Sally Webb

Paperback | 1 February 2020

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Do you ever contemplate taking a family trip but it all seems too hard? Wonder how you'd stay sane with a toddler on a long-haul flight? Does travelling with your kids give you a sense of terror rather than joy?

If the answer is yes, then Travel without Tears is for you. This practical and entertaining guide is essential reading for anyone contemplating a family holiday or adventure. It is packed with ideas and inspiration for where to go and when to do it, as well as practical tips to help you through every stage, from booking and planning, to coping on the road or in the air, and getting your kids fully engaged in the experience. Travel without tears starts here.

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