Of Thorn & Briar : A Year with the West Country Hedgelayer - Paul Lamb

Of Thorn & Briar

A Year with the West Country Hedgelayer

By: Paul Lamb

Hardcover | 13 August 2025

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Paul Lamb is a hedgelayer. From the end of summer until the birds begin to nest in the spring, his primary employment is the maintenance and restoration of hedgerows.
The British countryside is defined by these ancient boundaries. A living structure, woven into the very fabric of rural life, hedgerows celebrate man’s partnership with nature. In recent years, as the traditional management techniques were forgotten, they have declined dramatically. This has had a devastating effect on the wildlife they support.
Paul works alone and by hand to rejuvenate and restore these linear woodlands. He lives in his wagon, as many itinerant rural workers used to, and travels the south west corner of England.
This book, following the rhythm of the seasons, describes Paul’s life on the road and the practical aspects of his job, including the highs and the lows. It is about practising a craft with skill and preserving it for future generations, and celebrating the glory of the landscape he loves so much.

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