The Everything Wedding Checklist Book : 3rd Edition -All You Need to Remember for a Day You'll Never Forget - Holly Lefevre

The Everything Wedding Checklist Book

3rd Edition -All You Need to Remember for a Day You'll Never Forget

By: Holly Lefevre

Paperback | 18 December 2011 | Edition Number 3

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The registry, invitations, reception, flowers, rings, placecards--how's a girl to remember it all?! During this insane time when every detail seems to take on a life of its own, brides need help! This book provides solutions that target every bride's greatest worry: "Did I forget something?" Loaded with timesaving tips, this handy guide helps you stay on track and focused with checklists for: Making tough budgeting choices Determining wedding party responsibilities Choosing ceremony options Figuring seating plans Packing all that's needed for the honeymoon . . . and much, much more! With simple, step-by-step checklists for each aspect of planning the wedding of your dreams, you won't forget a single thing for your unforgettable day! AUTHOR: Holly Lefevre is a sought-after wedding expert. Her planning expertise has earned her acclaim in TV and print media. Lefevre is the author of How to "I Do": Planning the Ultimate Wedding in Six Weekends or Less. The former editor of the Southern California magazine, Brideworld Magazine, Lefevre has appeared on Lifetime Television's The I Do Diaries: My Best Friend's Wedding and NBC's The Other Half. SALES: A new and improved edition of the bestselling classic, with updated lists, tables, and worksheets Makes wedding planning easy with hundreds of checklists and charts! The Everything® Wedding Checklist Book, 2nd Edition has grossed more than 100,000 copies since 2001!

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