The Conscious Parent's Guide to Positive Discipline : A Mindful Approach for Building a Healthy, Respectful Relationship with Your Child - Jennifer Costa

The Conscious Parent's Guide to Positive Discipline

A Mindful Approach for Building a Healthy, Respectful Relationship with Your Child

By: Jennifer Costa

Paperback | 1 February 2016

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Help your child learn self-discipline, cooperation, and responsibility! When a child misbehaves, the situation can quickly escalate into an uphill battle of yelling, tears, and resistance--on both sides. But what if you could avoid all that? Conscious parenting is about being present with your child and taking the time to understand the reasons and motivations behind behaviours. This relationship-centred approached means that you respect your child's point of view as you both learn how to create a mutually-beneficially set of behavioural rules. By practicing this mindful method, you can support your child emotionally and help nurture important social development. Parent coach Jennifer Costa teaches you how to: Communicate openly with your child about proper behaviour Build a supportive home environment Determine your child's behavioural triggers Learn strategies that will help your child feel calm Teach your child long-term coping skills Discipline your child without embracing anger With 'The Conscious Parent's Guide to Positive Discipline', you will learn to create a calm and mindful atmosphere for the whole family, while helping your child feel competent, successful, and healthy. AUTHOR: Jennifer Costa is a behavioural specialist, social worker, and author. As a parent coach and mentor, she develops positive behavioural interventions and support materials for her clients, and has taught positive discipline courses, conscious parenting practices, and behavioural support curriculum for schools and non-profits. Jennifer is a contributing author for several regional parenting magazines, and as a mother of two, is an active proponent of positive parenting practices.

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