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The Cupcake Diaries : Mia, a Matter of Taste - Coco Simon

The Cupcake Diaries

Mia, a Matter of Taste

By: Coco Simon

Paperback | 2 January 2014

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Middle school can be hard...some days you just need a cupcake. Cupcake Diaries #14 starts out with Mia getting some bad news from Katie's mum, Dr. Brown: she needs braces. And just when Mia thinks things can't get any worse...they do. Her teacher is concerned that Mia is squinting in class. A trip to the ophthamologist confirms it: Mia needs glasses too! Mia is miserable until her stylish mum comes to the rescue with a plan and a very chic middle-school look. And her wonderful Cupcake Club friends reassure her that glasses and braces don't get in the way of all they really see: the same old Mia.

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