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A Dream of Ice : Book 2 of The EarthEnd Saga - Gillian Anderson

A Dream of Ice

Book 2 of The EarthEnd Saga

By: Gillian Anderson

Paperback | 1 January 2017

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From Gillian Anderson, star of the X-Files, and New York Timesbestselling coauthor Jeff Rovin comes the second book in the thrilling paranormal series Earthend Saga that began with A Vision of Fire.

After uncovering a mystical link to the ancient civilization of Galderkhaan, child psychologist Caitlin O'Hara is left with strange new powers. Suddenly she can heal her young patients with her mind and see things from other places and other times. But as she learns more about her powers, she also realizes that someone is watching her, perhaps hunting her-and using her son to do it.

Meanwhile Mikel Jasso, a field agent for a mysterious research organization, is searching for Galderkhaani ruins in Antarctica. After falling down a crevasse, he discovers the entire city has been preserved under ice and that the mysterious stone artifacts he's been collecting are not as primitive as he thought. As Mikel and Caitlin work to uncover the mysteries of the Galderkhaani, they realize that the person hunting Caitlin and the stones may be connected in ways they never knew possible.

About the Author

Gillian Anderson is an award-winning film, television, and theater actor and producer, writer, and activist. She currently lives in London with her daughter and two sons.
Industry Reviews
"Fans of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child will find a lot to like" - (Publishers Weekly) in the Earthend Saga, and this latest adventure is sure to leave you gasping for breath as Caitlin races against time to save what's dearest to her heart.

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Published: 8th December 2015

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