The Lucky Years : How to Enjoy the Brave New World of Medicine - David B Agus

The Lucky Years

How to Enjoy the Brave New World of Medicine

By: David B Agus

Paperback | 1 January 2016

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Bestselling author David Agus unveils the brave new world of medicine, one in which we can take control of our health like never before and doctors can fine-tune strategies and weapons to prevent illness.

In his first bestseller, The End of Illness, David Agus revealed how to add vibrant years to your life by knowing the real facts of health. In this book, he builds on that theme by showing why this is the luckiest time yet to be alive, giving you the keys to the new kingdom of wellness.

Medicine is undergoing rapid change. In the old world, you followed general principles and doctors treated you based on broad, one-size-fits-all solutions. In this new golden age, you'll be able to take full advantage of the latest scientific findings and leverage the power of technology to customize your care. Only those who know how to access and adapt to these breakthroughs - without being distracted by hyped ideas and bad medicine - will benefit. Imagine being able to get fit and lose weight without dieting, train your immune system to fight cancer, edit your DNA to avoid a certain fate, erase the risk of a heart attack, reverse aging, and know exactly which drugs to take to optimize health with zero side effects.

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Published: 5th January 2016

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