Steampunk Your Wardrobe, Revised Edition : Sewing and Crafting Projects to Add Flair to Fashion - Calista Taylor

Steampunk Your Wardrobe, Revised Edition

Sewing and Crafting Projects to Add Flair to Fashion

By: Calista Taylor

Paperback | 1 January 2015

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Steampunk your personal style with these easy and inexpensive projects. This book shows you how to add Victorian flair to your modern wardrobe by adding a bit of vintage charm. Inside you'll find instructions for making a variety of popular steampunk wearables. Steampunk Your Wardrobe is your step-by-step guide to capturing the steampunk aesthetic in your apparel. It begins with easy-to-do projects such as embellishing garments that you may already have, and progresses to more complicated alterations. Projects are also included for making steampunk'd jewelry and accessories. The author provides clever and eco-friendly techniques for restyling common garments into stylish steampunk attire. You'll discover nineteen simple and creative ideas for repurposed fashion from your closet or the second-hand shop that require little to no sewing skills. You'll have as much fun making these garments as wearing them.

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