Tools for Teaching Conceptual Understanding, Elementary : Harnessing Natural Curiosity for Learning That Transfers - Julie Stern

Tools for Teaching Conceptual Understanding, Elementary

Harnessing Natural Curiosity for Learning That Transfers

By: Julie Stern, Nathalie Lauriault, Krista Ferraro

Paperback | 18 October 2017 | Edition Number 1

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Teaching overly-factual content to young students is misguided: it is developmentally inappropriate, and ignores what we know about how children naturally learn. We can and should view all children as thinking beings, creating ideal environments for them to make sense of the world while being very careful to protect their inherent love of learning. This book teaches a concept-based curriculum in a way that respects the developmental stages of childhood with intellectual rigour. Infants rapidly develop their understanding of concepts such as hot and cold, happy and sad, in and out, and at three years old, they begin their characteristic, persistent questioning: "Why? Why? Why?" By following this natural tendency, the book's approach cultivates their conceptual understanding in a gentle manner that honours their innate curiosity.

Industry Reviews
"Using a concept-based curriculum is essential to get students thinking and active in their own learning. Erickson, Lanning & French explain in detail how to plan and teach in order to transform content into understanding that is relevant and compelling for all students." -- Sarah Isaac, Lower School Assistant Principal "This book provides the research and resources educators need to help students take ownership of their learning. It fosters students' curiosity about their environment and it allows them to explore and become life-long learners." -- Ellen Asregadoo, Fifth Grade Teacher "This book gives a nice overview of how to plan for and implement concept based learning into the elementary classroom. Additionally, it provides practical examples and ideas that any educator can take and implement into his or her classroom immediately." -- Kate Benson, Fourth Grade Team Leader "The practical strategies and examples supported by manageable theoretical information is exactly what teachers need to begin to take the steps that feel so difficult for many teachers who can't visualize what it would look like in their classrooms." -- Monique Cadieux, Fifth Grade Teacher "This is an important book for all teachers. We need to be honoring our students as thinkers who deserve developmentally appropriate intellectual rigor in the classroom. We will not achieve this in our traditional coverage based classroom. I am so inspired and can't wait to start this journey (making mistakes and learning along the way!)." -- Sarah Gat, Second Grade Teacher "This is the book that teachers who have been trying to implement concept-based teaching and learning have been waiting for. The research-based lesson frameworks create a clear and doable plan for teachers at any grade or content level. This book is a must for any instructional coach or curriculum writer." -- Saundra Mouton, Primary Years Program International Baccalaureate Coordinator & Reading Specialist (PK-5th Grade)

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