Winning with the Customer from Hell : A Survival Guide - Shaun Belding

Winning with the Customer from Hell

A Survival Guide

By: Shaun Belding

Paperback | 1 April 2004

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Realistic, practical, and compelling anecdotal solutions are offered here for countering belligerent, abusive, and condescending customers. This book captures the essence of the skills required for helping retailers deal with problem customers and improve employee efficiency. A six-pronged approach known as LESTER is detailed, which involves listening to customers, echoing the issue, sympathizing with the customer's emotional state, thanking the customer, evaluating one's opinion, and responding with a win-win solution.
Industry Reviews
""If I had my way, everyone who works in retail would be given a copy of Shaun Belding's [book] and a follow-up quiz to ensure that they had read it."

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